Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Camp [Semi-Open] [Story] [OOC Welcome] - Printable Version

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The Camp [Semi-Open] [Story] [OOC Welcome] - Inessa Hara - 02-23-2015

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Deep in the Sagolii desert, Caesar and his red legion have set up camp. Fortunate to Caesar and his men, they know their way around the desert's and thus, it is a very natural defense for them as well as their playground. Here they roam about like bandit king's with nobody able to effectively resist them.

They for a time have made their presence effectively known to be highly active around the Sagolii. The Flame outpost near there watches them and prepares for any raids on the Oasis town they hold as a vital checkpoint for trade to other small communities across the desert. Trade that has been effectively cut by Caesar and his Red Legion. Any caravan's or armed supply convoy's have been met with heavy raider attacks.

Reportedly, Caesar and his men have been using flintlock pistols and rifles as their main and primary weapon, with archers as a secondary and they attack from afar. They are not a large force by far but have been reportedly using small unit tactics to an effective extreme.

Caesar however does not have all his force out in the Sagolii harassing and choking the trade of the Thanalan. He has scout groups all over the Thanalan. Observing the Flame Outposts closer to home. With standing order's to not attack anyone unless attacked first. If anyone managed to get ahold of the missives, it would read this:

'Foot Slogers, Lord Caesar has instructed that all scout's be not permitted to use lethal force against outsiders, unkown to the Red Legion. Instead, he orders you to watch and observe civilian and military movements and recruit people you believe to be trustworthy into Caesars Legion. If you fail to obey his orders then he will have you fed to the Behemoth.    -Ordered by Lord Caesar, written by his right hand, Blade of the right.'

Deeper into the Sagolii however, at Lord Caesar's main camp. . .

A crowd of tents are lined up very neatly across a desert flat. The ground underneath them solid and their camp located right next to an Oasis. At the center of the camp is a massive tent, where Lord Caesar spends his hour's drinking with his closest officer's and ravaging women his soldiers have captured during the raid's and that is only when he is not out in the field fighting with his warriors.

Inside the tent is a long table, layed out on it is an array of fine meat's, fruits and wine. The best of the spoils reaped by his men as well as the finest women picked up during their raids to be used when the officers and Caesar grew tired of drinking and eating.

The noise in the tent was loud and joyful. Caesar and his legion had just returned from hitting another supply convoy with enough supplies to last them for weeks and a new batch of women to be used for their benefit or to be sold to the Ul'dahan's. They legion were naturally good at slaving, and traded most of their slaves for weapons, armor or food and such. Raw supplies in general.

At the end of the table was Caesar's throne with him on top of it. He was a midlander. Fairly a bit older, around his late thirty's, early forty's with a generally happy expression on his face. In his right hand, he had a cup of wine that he had raised up. In his left arm, he had one of the women they have had captured for a few weeks now. One of the more pretty women they captured, thus she was designated to service Caesar and his officers. She had a look of sadness and disgust on her face, though she learned after attempting to fight back the first time against Caesar and his men, it would only end bad with her being violated.

Caesar raised his golden chalice in his right hand and began to speak.

"To my brother's! My comerades in arms who have sworn fealty to me! To help create a new nation when the ashes of Ul'dah finally settle! When we create an ideal that is greater than coin on single individuality of the masses! You have my thanks! With this sucessful raid and a new batch of slave women, we are one step closer to realizing our ideal! So drink up my comrade's! For tonight, we celebrate another sucessful blow against Ul'dah!"

The other officers began cheering loudly with their cups raised as well, and then they all took a sip out of their cups, and continued to enjoy their night that they have earned in their opinion.

((End of the first post. More to come.))

RE: The Camp [Closed] [Story] [OOC Welcome] - Inessa Hara - 02-24-2015

Later the next day, well after the partying in the tent had died down, the massive tent's table was swept clean of plates and food and it's fine silk table top replaced with a beautiful red cloth. Caesar sat at the end of the table, on his big throne.

It was the morning, and Caesar wanted to bolster his ranks. To do so, he began drafting letters to people of interest. Anyone who wanted to hold a position and have a hand in his rise into power and helping him creating a Totalitarian, Hereditary dictatorship would be welcomed.

'To all the people who read this, be you peasant, refugee, bandit or warrior, you are welcomed to join the red legion's ranks and creating a new nation. One where there is no such thing as personal wealth or individuality save for me to have them. There will only be a higher cause you commit yourself too. To that end, all able bodied men are asked to join. Women serve no role in our glorious campaign save to be servile and breeding tool's for our use.

If you want three hot meals a day and a woman to bed every night, speak to one of the Red Legion scouts. They will set you on your path. If you attack my men or betray them, I will hunt you down, find you, cut you up and feed you to the behemoth.

Penned by Lord Caesar of the Red Legion.'

Lord Caesar spent the next half of the day penning these letters. His cause meant much to him. He would only stop when he could no longer breath. His ambition would live to his dying breath.

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