Hydaelyn Role-Players
Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - Printable Version

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RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - KieairaKitty - 09-30-2013

Kieaira nodded with a cheerful "Mm-hmm", even going so far as to give a Baer a cute little smile, her eyes closed and scrunched up, and her sharp canines peeking past her lips, as she did her best to assure him that she was in-fact just fine.... perhaps even more than fine. She had grown somewhat accustomed to those around her, and it seemed the carbuncle was helping her confidence somewhat.

"How was your meal?" she found herself asking Baer without hesitation, as she glanced briefly at Aartur and Elisan, curious as to what the fortune might hold, but not wanting to be impolite she quickly looked back to Baer for a response, hoping perhaps to get him talking a bit, and not so much focused on her odd behaviours.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - IncubusManatee - 09-30-2013

Which he was easily distracted to say the least. Piping up easily like he did beforehand. "Oh it was quite good! Filling. And being without food for a day and a half makes me appreciate it a bit more. You never know what you truthfully appreciate till you lack it!" Voice bright like usual. 

"Which reminds me, I have to make sure to not waste all my money on gambling before a fight comes along." Snicker-snorting. Literally focusing that comment on himself. Turning his head to regard Elisan and Aartur for a moment. Little enraptured by the idea of an actual fortune telling-as he had never had one done for him; nor run into anyone doing it about Limsa, or Ul'dah before. 

After several seconds he returned his gaze onto Kie and the Carbuncle. Almost sounds like a book. 'Kie and the Carbuncle', slap some trademarks on that and sell it. 

"And it also might help if I wasn't such a fool." He remarks after several moments. "Doubt that will change though." Laughing gently once more.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - elisan - 09-30-2013

Elisan nodded and took the cards back from Aartur, dividing the deck in half randomly and then placing what was on the bottom, on the top. She drew three cards and laid them face up on the table, one after another. 

"What was, what is, and what may come..." A brief explanation was given on the simple layout before she went on to the cards themselves. 

"What was - Sairie, the Godmother. She brings us grace, gifts, talents..in the past, you had this blessing - protection from ill will and the plain stupidity of others, sometimes your own mistakes. She untangles the snarls in our psyches and gives us choices where we thought we had none. In the past, you often had unexpected good fortune, last minute "rescues" so to speak. Her lesson was in remembering the kindnesses given to you so that you might in turn, bestow them upon others.

What is - the Journeyman. He is the harbringer of adventure..independence and travel. All of the great ones - the saints, the warriors - all those filled by spiritual light have been on this journey. You are starting this journey -stepping off of the 'safe paths' and into the wilderness so that you might come out stronger, better. His presence here suggests that now is the time to hone your skills in both working and living. You must use caution though- and ensure that you balance intuition with sound reason. Be sure you have a clear idea of where you want to go".

She paused a moment, letting him absorb the information before she moved to the last card. "What may be.." A gesture to the final card as she spoke again, "the singers of the Chalice. Another good card to see - the singers tell a tale of hope, trust and patience. They speak of miracles. In order to drink of this cup, your heart must be open. Open is open - there is no other state. This door cannot be 'open a little' or even halfway. You must be willing to trust in the greater powers of the universe and open yourself fully in order to let loose the true power than lay within you.

Carefully, she slid each card back into the deck and reshuffled them together before watching Aartur, to gauge his reaction.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - KieairaKitty - 09-30-2013

Kieaira smiles at Baer, unsure of how exactly to react to his joking ... she had never met a man quite like him ... in fact she had never really met anyone like any of those at the table.

Her attention shifted to Elisan as she told Aartur his fortune, her ears perking up at interest as she peered at the cards. "Interesting..." She mused softly, rubbing two fingers back and forth between the carbuncles ears. I wonder what those cards would say about me. Gently she pulled her bottom lip back with her teeth, chewing on it nervously. What was .... is better left where it is. What is ... a shy girl with no idea what she's doing ... What may come? I'm not sure I want to know.

She let out a soft sigh and looked back down to the carbuncle, forcing a small smile. I wonder if Aartur would notice if I took you home with me? She chuckled softly to herself, she had grown quite attached to the little creature in such a short time.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - Fen - 09-30-2013

Aartur's eyes widen in awe, "Wow... that's... wow... Quite impressive, really. How do you do that?" He seems too enamored by the card trick to take note of Kie or Baer or even his carbuncle.

The carbuncle seems more than comfortable in Kie's lap, though it never shuts its eyes. The little creature nuzzles up into her hand while still observing the rest of its surroundings.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - elisan - 10-01-2013

A mild smile, tipping a shoulder noncommittally, "I have seen the Spinner's threads since I was a child. Think of me as a messenger, I suppose. I simply pass each card's message on to the seeker". 

In that moment, Elisan remembered there was a plate of food sitting there and so helped herself to some more cheese and fruit before settling back to see what the others had been doing. She caught Kieaira's curious glance briefly and gave her a smile. "anyone else?"

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - IncubusManatee - 10-01-2013

Baer was also enraptured by the woman's reading of the cards. Looking quite enamored. Focused on the woman rather then the cards to be honest. He had run into many a thief, swindler and conniving gypsy-but never someone like this. It was a refresher. A breath of fresh air rather. That same smile was still on his face as he turned his head to Aartur. "You got some good luck my friend." Is all he said. Little more cryptic then he wanted, but was still jovial in tone. Maybe he was being honest-that Aartur had gotten some of the 'better' cards of the deck-or has fate on his side truthfully.

Turning his head to Elisan and Kie now as Eli spoke up about someone volunteering. Eyes falling on Kie. "You should get your's done. May not get another chance in the future." Chuckling again softly.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - KieairaKitty - 10-01-2013

Kieaira blinked, the soft flush returning to her cheeks as the attention once more fell to her. She looked down at Aartur's carbuncle, that was curled up in her lap, as if asking it, if it thought it was a good idea.

She swallowed audibly. "I... I guess it can't hurt..." she smiled nervously towards Elisan. She began stroking the length of the carbuncle's body to calm herself. Why are you so nervous? Knock it off. Silently she scolded herself.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - Fen - 10-01-2013

"How much do most people pay? I'm afraid I have no frame of reference," Aartur says with a small smile. He was sure whatever price would be fair for such an impressive display. He had indeed gotten "good" cards, though their implications mildly terrified him. The Miqo'te nods to the large man, and finally, finally takes a seat of his own.

After he settles in, he looks to Kie and the carbuncle, his carbuncle, curiously, "You, um, rather like him, don't you? Kyubey, I mean..."

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - Nirri - 10-01-2013

Seated at one of the small tables while spinning a pencil in between his fingertips - his attention drawn from one of the papers to the crowd gathered around the nervous Miqo'te and the large man who was very skilled in losing money. His irises only visible through the strands of hair hanging down over his face, "I'm not one to believe in cards. But I guess it would not hurt to know what is on the road for yourself."

His leather coat hanging together with a bow upon the back of the chair, leaving the midlander only in a hempen shirt and hempen chausses, the pale considerely pale hinting at the man's origins being far from the heated Ul'dah.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - elisan - 10-01-2013

The albino elezen smiled at Aartur and shrugged again. "There is no average gain - some have paid me a great deal and many have paid me nothing at all. People do not like it when they don't hear what either they expect, nor what they want to hear. I do not deal in dreams and wishes -as I said. I leave that to others." Ruby gaze was pulled from Aartur to Baer and she chuckled at his rapt attention, in a gentle way, as opposed to anything condescending. A nod to the commentary at the table next to theirs, addressing the midlander's statement as she offered the cards to Kie to shuffle. "It is often wise to seek guidance when one is uncertain about the future, yes".

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - KieairaKitty - 10-01-2013

Slowly, the ivory haired Miqo'te lifted her hands from the comforting fur of Aartur's carbuncle to take the cards. She shuffled them and handed them back with a nervous smile towards Elisan, her hands once more falling, gently, atop Kyubey, as she gave Aartur a nod. "I have a soft spot for cute, furry things..." She gave a soft chuckle, the pink on her cheeks growing a bit deeper of a red.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - Fen - 10-01-2013

Aartur watched the cards carefully, more out of curiosity than suspicion. He hesitated before speaking, "...Well, Kyubey is bound to me, but if you're so fond of them, I could possibly try to show you how to summon one... It isn't the easiest thing on Hydaelyn to do, but... not the hardest, either..." Am I a glutton for punishment? I'd barely be able to speak in that setting, let alone teach. His eyes never left the cards.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - elisan - 10-01-2013

She took the cards back and did as she had before, split them randomly in the middle and placed what was on the bottom, on the top; before she drew three cards for the skittish female. These three cards were laid in order, face up on the table between them. She studied the cards for a good length of time - those who may have been watching her might have noticed a strange far away look in her eyes - seeing but not seeing. 

"What was - the Oak Men..their presence indicates a strength in the past, a depth that you may have lost sight of. In the past, you have looked upon the world through eyes filled with predisposed ideas - personal filters. The Oak Men ask you, are you seeing things as they are or as what you project upon them?" She tipped her head a bit, glancing up to watch Kieaira a moment before continuing.

"What is - The Singer of Intuition. The song sung by the Singer carries all of the information that there is - a great record of all that was, is and will be. This song is in our blood, our bones - we only have to learn how to hear it. The Singer's words to you are simple. Trust yourself. Learn to accept your own inner calling and intuition but you must be willing to look deep inside of your own heart and mind for the answers you seek. 

What may be -Epona's Wild Daughter, Dorcha". Elisan paused briefly before she spoke again, almost sing song in her recital of words. "In the bleakest part of the night, Dorcha comes, wearing her crown of stars. She kneels on the ancient owl, bearer of the hidden wisdom of the night, and facing the past with a clear, unflinching gaze, she holds us. We are immobile, inwardly focused by her comforting yet implacable hands. She asks riddles that seem impossible to answer at first - and yet she will not let us go until we find the solutions within ourselves. Dorcha takes us through the darkness - the shadow part of ourselves and into healing and growth". The witch looked up at Kie and held her gaze, "You cannot move forward until you have faced something buried within you that is holding you back. You will not walk alone - there will be help from unexpected places. You must be ready to face things about yourself that are not as you wish them to be, before enlightenment can transform you into what you are destined to become". 

She blinked slowly, shaking off the fog before she gathered the cards carefully and returned them to the deck while Kie absorbed the words.

RE: Open RP - OOC Comments Welcome - KieairaKitty - 10-01-2013

Kieaira pursed her lips as she thought about Aartur's offer, shifting her gaze back to Elisan as she dealt the cards. A small wrinkle forming on her forehead as she peered over intently, clearly in deep thought as the explanation of each card was told.

She nodded her head slowly in understanding, it did make sense to her ... well at least for the most part it did. Perhaps I was brought here today for a reason. She found herself thinking. "Thank you." She smiled, though clearly still contemplating everything, her fingers weaving in and out of the fur of the carbuncle, bringing her back once more to Aartur's proposal.

"I think..." She paused, again thinking back to the cards. "I would like to learn." She nodded slowly, though it was clear there was still much on her mind. She shook her head, pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind for the time being, and waved to the server once more. "Another drink for the lady." She smiled, wanting to offer something in return for the reading.