Hydaelyn Role-Players
RP Confession Thread - Printable Version

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RE: RP Confession Thread - Cato - 08-11-2015

- I'm a bit of a perfectionist and chastise myself if I happen to make a mistake.

- The horrid chat bug where entire emotes risk being swallowed up before they reach those I'm role-playing with has made me quite paranoid. I'm always worrying whether an emote I've typed out has gone through, especially if it's fairly large.

- I love it when people approach me unexpectedly and tell me that they find my character interesting/that they want me to role-play with them. It's a big confidence boost and a great way for me to further connections. I always strive to do the same when and where I can if someone else's character catches my eye.

- The 'Highlander/Roegadyn Master Race' thing really bores me. It's one thing to bring it up as a joke but it's completely irritating when it's blatantly leaking into role-play based on biased OOC views. It's even more frustrating when it leads to situations where people treat any character smaller than their own as being weak and unattractive. Not all of us are so insecure that we need to play the biggest race possible and bring up how powerful they supposedly are at every turn.

- I'd play an elezen if not for their weird necks. I'd play a male au ra if not for their weird hips. I love how they look other than that but I just can't bring myself to take the leap.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Oilbasedoleander - 08-11-2015

(08-11-2015, 08:54 AM)Gegenji Wrote:
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I look at it like I'm playing Sims. They woohoo in the game and I don't always make them woohoo with the intention of have a baby. Sometimes... those characters just need relief. Or show their love in a physical sense. 

But I also refuse to just ERP for the SAKE of ERPing. It has to be with someone who gets it and I'm comfortable with. And our characters clicked for longer than one RP session. Not that there's anything wrong with someone who plays a looser 'heat of the moment' toon, but it's just not for me. Smile

I've played risque characters before, but they were just incredibly flirtatious and pretty much a damn tease. Haha.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Tiergan - 08-11-2015

One of the worst things you can do to me is copy paste me a tidbit of dramatic RP and then not tell me the rest of what happen after. Or tell me you have some big juicy secret about your character that you will be RPing soon and then ask: "Do you want me to spoil it or do you want to know now?"

I will either cave in an hour and demand spoilers immediately or I will live in torment of not knowing for days.

That said, I totally do the same thing to my friends all the time on purpose, because I am a terrible human being.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Caspar - 08-11-2015

Because of my pbp background, I'm used to planning things often. As a result I tend to assume nobody is going to misuse ooc info. I get that it spoils the surprise, but sometimes being kept out of the loop makes me anxious, as in my old communities that was seen as a sign of mistrust.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Olofantur - 08-11-2015

(08-11-2015, 03:00 PM)Tiergan Wrote: I will either cave in an hour and demand spoilers immediately or I will live in torment of not knowing for days.

That said, I totally do the same thing to my friends all the time on purpose, because I am a terrible human being.

This is what I imagine everyone looks like when they do that "Hey did you hear about this epic thing that you just missed and will never happen again and we're totally going to reference it all the time without telling you the joke?"
[Image: IX6q0e3.gif]

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RE: RP Confession Thread - Manari - 08-11-2015

I suppose my biggest RP sin to confess lately is just... not wanting to RP. Back in 1.0 I RPed every single night, and it was awesome. But 1.0 was inherently more conducive to RP due to a few simple factors. Those factors mostly being that there was largely nothing to actually do in game, so RP was the obvious choice, and that the game in 1.0 had a TON of large empty rooms, buildings, huts, chairs, tables, entire sections of zones that were completely empty of NPC or any quests or any reason for people to go there what so ever, making them perfect for RP. In 2.0 its really hard to find any place in the open world that doesn't exist for a specific reason, thus causing non RP people to go there often.

Now in 2.0 we have a ton of awesome things to use in RP like glamours and WAY more gear and new emotes and standing and sitting poses and facial expressions and our own houses and just all kinds of awesome stuff.... however, there's a ton of stuff I feel like I have to do when I log on every night, which is great for the game to keep people subbing to play, but bad for me and RP because now I feel like I just don't have enough time for it. Whenever someone asks me to RP I always feel like I can't because I have dungeons I have to run, or roulettes or daily quests or hunts or what have you.

I made Manari become a very reclusive and hard to find character, because that's pretty much how I've become as an RPer since 2.0 started.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Hammersmith - 08-11-2015

Mages/Berserkers/Summoners/Whatever that roleplays having a pocket "Win button" attack that is ultra powerful but they claim is VERY DANGEROUS TO USE.

And then have it work 100% of the time with no consequence to the user at all before or during the actual point of conflict where it matters.


Not dangerous at all.

In fact perfectly safe to use and an excuse to try to bloat power levels ala DBZ.

I'd understand if like, after using it you had literally burned your hand off doing a super magical blast.  Or if, sometimes, instead of working, all your joints decided to reverse and you were crippled until it wore off on a 50-50 chance when you open the SUPER ULTRA CHAKRA GATE.

But no. It's always just way super overpowered Thing that they're justifying having by means of something that doesn't exist (the consequence/danger)

Thems my beef.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Aaron - 08-11-2015

Confession # idk -

When you see me afk staring at Eustace in the QS. I'm not really afking, im just watching you. . . Waiting. . . Watching. . . Waiting. . .for the right moment where I can un afk and breathe heavily upon your backside.

RE: RP Confession Thread - EkheiBalduin - 08-11-2015

1. Echoing upon what others have said ... there are lots of folk out there I'd like to RP with at some point. It's hard to break out of the Shy Guy mask and just ask people, because I'm certain that everyone loves a little context and it's just so nerve-wracking talking to strangers. And it always feels like I'm trying to break into a tight knit group of people who have been together for a long time.

2. Right now, I don't have the time. Being deployed and taking an online course takes up 95% of my time. The only reasonable place to discourse being Skype.

3. Well, at least I'm still the only Chocobo Inspector for the Flames that I know about.

4. I've been in the Sand Pearl for so long and I've only spoken twice or thrice. And that's only because there was a mistype or someone randomly started chatting OOC.

RE: RP Confession Thread - ProvaDiServo - 08-11-2015

1. I am so fearful of my typos that I often don't budge to RP with people, be they stranger or long time buddy.


2. I haven't made a wiki because I'm way self-conscious about my concepts, and community reception.


3. I am more afraid of you than you are of me.

4. I lurk about because I enjoy listening to peoples Stories.

5. I have turned down Aya's waitress services, more than five times. (+5 Sins)

6. Khimari no like

7. I RP in cosplay glamour outfits

8. I RP using obnoxious Viual effects like Darkside.

9. My character names are not lore appropriate because fuck the rules.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Nero - 08-11-2015

1). I'm not very good at suspension of disbelief and am unreasonably, anally strict on plausibility. Not lore adherence, mind, but plausibility. I'm okay with you being the half-dragon primal son of Bahamut and Ascian reincarnation of Xande if you can convince me with your justification. This means that I will nitpick the hell out of inconsistencies, transitions, and vague explanations or backstories to an unbelievably petty degree, and I can't turn it off.

2). My diction, sentence structure, and general word choices are often repetitive and my vocabulary range really isn't that good, and I'm quite self conscious about this. Thesaurus.com is bookmarked on my browser.

3). I'm more comfortable with simply coming up with general ideas and outlines than I am with translating those ideas into cohesive narratives or actual posts with actual writing in it. I'm more of a scenario writer than a script writer.

4). I will never do open world walk-up RP because I believe there is absolutely no quality control, and if I were to open RP, then I can and will retcon events and people that happen in said open RP if I were to find some of those things distasteful enough to do so.

5). I'm criminally guilty of spending a lot of time editing a post after I've made it. If it's a recap log of live RP, I will spend a decent amount of time editing it. A lot of the time I don't think too much before posting in both forum and live RP, which leads to me editing both endlessly after the fact.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Pastry Army - 08-11-2015

1) As much as I wish to be a bigger part of the RP community as a whole, I am a terribly shy person and am often intimidated when trying to approach people. This, mixed with poor time management, has left me with a small rp circle. It is something I am working on, but nonetheless it yet remains a problem for me. 

2) I despise and roll based system when it comes to small group combat/activities. No matter what, and despite knowing otherwise, it comes off as slightly insulting to me and leaves me with a feeling of not being trusted to handle my own characters reactions and responses. I work tirelessly to fine-tone and ever improve my character and her abilities and to let all the hard work put in be left up to a simple psudo-rng system leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

The few exceptions to this have been in the necessary cases of larger scale events such as fight clubs and FC story-lines. Outside of these, I am the one to insist on free-form.

3) I am self-conscious of my rp to an almost unhealthy degree. To the point where a post could take twice as long to write as it should as I make sure every detail is correct.

4) I love ERP. And I admit that. I find it simply the most personal way to flex and grow a character at their most vulnerable. And I crave for opportunities to express such. Not to the point where I whore around the Qucksand but a certain longing has built up after a long time rping a Priestess, and a blind one at that.  A feeling of being  'untouchable' I sometimes want to itch.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Caspar - 08-11-2015

(08-11-2015, 07:54 PM)Nero Wrote: 3). I'm more comfortable with simply coming up with general ideas and outlines than I am with translating those ideas into cohesive narratives or actual posts with actual writing in it. I'm more of a scenario writer than a script writer.
Ugh this is my scourge.

I can count the number of completed stories I've accomplished on one hand. The number of ones where I have a beginning and an end in mind, but only inklings of how to get from one to the other, outnumber them considerably.

Sometimes it's because of outside factors, but I think often times I just draw a blank and either need help or need to think harder.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Asmodean - 08-12-2015

The more I read... the more I wonder how the lot of us ended up here. So many people have the same confession, here and there. Now I'm look forward to rp again once I upgrade from ps3 so thanks for the confidence boost all.

Also I'll add this from my earlier post.

3. It have for me to make a character that don't have something in common with myself. Be it music taste, way of thinking or just some skill they have, there is at least one thing that links me to them. Lucky for me Asmo seems to the one of the few to only have a single link, that being are love of music.... even if its for different instruments.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Cato - 08-12-2015

- Whenever I recognise someone from this site in-game I tend to emote at them with a hug, wave or cheer. Not whilst they're role-playing, of course, but I do hope it doesn't rub anybody the wrong way!

- I have a love/hate relationship with Linkshells. Eight really isn't enough and there's so many that'd I love to join but have no room for. Or I join one and it lacks much in the way of activity even when attempts at spawning conversation are made.