Hydaelyn Role-Players
Holiday Grumping Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Antain - 12-19-2014

Not having a SO that will sit in with me, make excuses not to go anywhere while we dick around on the internet and have delivery Chinese while we watch Batman movies.

Gods, I miss this... T_T

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - TheBlob - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 08:58 PM)Vaughn Wrote: Not having a SO that will sit in with me, make excuses not to go anywhere while we dick around on the internet and have delivery Chinese while we watch Batman movies.

Gods, I miss this... T_T
D'awww... *squishes!*

I hate...

Ah! I hate going back to work after the winter break!

Two weeks off... sleeping in... all the free time... going back is hell.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Nebbs - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 08:58 PM)Vaughn Wrote: Not having a SO that will sit in with me, make excuses not to go anywhere while we dick around on the internet and have delivery Chinese while we watch Batman movies.

Gods, I miss this... T_T

We (my SO an I) used to curl up with wine and cheese and listen to the BBC radio version of Lord of the Rings each Christmas.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Amelia - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 06:20 PM)Whittledown Wrote:
(12-19-2014, 06:19 PM)Natalie Mcbeef Wrote: Post your least favorite thing about the holidays.

- Lines at stores
- Same songs on the radio over and over
- Everyone is trying to make me eat cookies

*walks into thread with a plate of cookies, immediately turns a 180 and walks out of the thread*

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This made my day.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - DreamedReality - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 08:26 PM)Xheja Rajhera Wrote: My most hated part of Christmas? This question:  "What do you want for Christmas?" I hate being asked. Because I'm the kind of person that will gladly and without hesitation drop an unholy amount of cash on making someone else happy, but having to look at things that I want and have to ask another person to buy for me? So uncomfortable. And "Nothing" is never an acceptable answer.

It's practically an anxiety trigger to me, weighing all the factors of "I don't want the person to spend TOO much on me, but I don't want them to spend so little that THEY feel guilty when they get my gift. Is this going to be something convenient for them to get? Will they have to jump through hoops to get to to me? What's shipping going to be like for them if they have to mail it? Do they think I'm stupid for even wanting this to begin with? AHHHH."

So much this. To the point that I'd rather -not- get anything from anyone. Ever. And is why my default response has been: gift card to 'x'.

And I hate that people have a hang-up on giving giftcards. Like they're somehow not a 'real gift.' So I have to come up with an actual item. x.x

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Jana - 12-19-2014

Having to deal with my family... Bad enough on regular days but holidays that don't devolve into shouting matches are rare.

Having to tell people how I feel about their Christmas presents... Save for maybe my sister and some close friends who know what I really enjoy, I'd rather they just gave me cash.

Christmas Trees.
Getting Christmas Trees out of storage.
Putting up Christmas Trees.
Checking that the lights work on Christmas Trees.
Buying new lights for Christmas Trees.
Decorating Christmas Trees.
Posing in front of Christmas Trees.
Taking down the lights and ornaments on Christmas Trees.
Carefully disassembling and re-storing Christmas Trees.
However, I would not be opposed to dragging Christmas Trees to the curb, dousing them in gasoline, and letting sparks fly.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Zetchryn - 12-19-2014

I hate working retail this time of year.

This is my first year not doing it.

I feel alive.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Amelia - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 09:36 PM)Jaques Wrote:
(12-19-2014, 08:26 PM)Xheja Rajhera Wrote: My most hated part of Christmas? This question:  "What do you want for Christmas?" I hate being asked. Because I'm the kind of person that will gladly and without hesitation drop an unholy amount of cash on making someone else happy, but having to look at things that I want and have to ask another person to buy for me? So uncomfortable. And "Nothing" is never an acceptable answer.

It's practically an anxiety trigger to me, weighing all the factors of "I don't want the person to spend TOO much on me, but I don't want them to spend so little that THEY feel guilty when they get my gift. Is this going to be something convenient for them to get? Will they have to jump through hoops to get to to me? What's shipping going to be like for them if they have to mail it? Do they think I'm stupid for even wanting this to begin with? AHHHH."

So much this. To the point that I'd rather -not- get anything from anyone.

Thankfully my goto is always funky socks. I NEVER know what to tell people to get me either, but I DO enjoy crazy colorful socks... and those are typically inexpensive.

But... I understand that socks are normally considered to be a lame gift, so...

I guess I don't grump on Holidays now that I don't work retail. I... actually kind of like them again.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Oscare - 12-19-2014

(12-19-2014, 09:41 PM)Jana Wrote: Having to deal with my family... Bad enough on regular days but holidays that don't devolve into shouting matches are rare.
Replace "shouting matches" with "who my mom is going to stab and nearly kill" and this describes my Christmas for the past 10 years!

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Kellach Woods - 12-19-2014

Last year I took 3 weeks off for Christmas (first two weeks it was announced we weren't working until we TOTALLY WERE which is something we learned around Friday 5:00 PM... which honestly sits so badly with me I just put myself as unavailable for the two weeks they said we had off anyway, and I wanted to take the other week off for the sole purpose of AGDQ and there was no reason for me NOT to take 'em for that purpose anyway).

I guess it'll suck to not do that this year? 3 weeks off was a fucking godsend.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Flickering Ember - 12-19-2014

Holiday traffic.

Even if you are a grump, there is no escaping the massive amounts of cars blocking every highway like a dangerous blood clot. Wanted to buy something you needed? Well, good luck finding a parking spot. Chances are the thing you needed is sold out anyway since just about anything can be used as a Christmas gift.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - ProvaDiServo - 12-19-2014

Well Black friday kinda sets the tone for the people problem I have during holidays. Taking a bat to the ribs at 6 am only gets to be so fun.

Discounts be damned.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Zhavi - 12-20-2014

(12-19-2014, 08:58 PM)Vaughn Wrote: Not having a SO that will sit in with me, make excuses not to go anywhere while we dick around on the internet and have delivery Chinese while we watch Batman movies.

Gods, I miss this... T_T

...yeah, this will be my first Christmas in 8 years without a SO. It's rough. *hugs*

......I hate Christmas music. I worked in a Santa Clause tourist shop right out of high school (constant, constant Christmas music year-round). Almost ten years later and I still get twitchy when they play for more than a few minutes.

RE: Holiday Grumping Thread - Edgar - 12-21-2014

Ah, it wouldn't be the Holidays if I didn't come down with a mind-numbing cold a few days before Christmas. I have been sick every Christmas of every year, and it looks like this one is going to be no different. 

Gah...Where's a RL Esuna when you need one?