Hydaelyn Role-Players
Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Printable Version

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RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Star Lin - 11-19-2016

John froze in his retreating tracks at Zhara's words.  Gods, there was just too many people here and with one of them being Jana, who would ask question, he didn't want to get anymore people involve in this.  He did give Virara a slight smile at the Blue Cat name.  "A good day to you, Lady Virara," he said, more a slight tease since she dislike him using Lady to her name.

His hand tighten on his pack, eyes taking in every shadow as well but no where near the same level as Virara had done.  "Cha, I, um, need you to take a look at a wand that a friend of Dad purchase."  He step farther in, but didn't remove the wand from the pack yet.  If Chachan didn't help him, he would have to go to Howl then and than he would face a lot of questions from his boyfriend.  No, his head wasn't fluttering at the thought of seeing Howl again...really, it was his nerves... and shook off the thoughts before he got himself into a knot.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Gegenji - 11-21-2016

Chachan seemed pretty glad that Zhara had caught John before he skittered off. He had been wrapping up his work with the Elezen woman and he might've been halfway to Black Brush or something by the time he had been able to say anything. He took but an extra moment to tuck the gil into one of his many pockets before turning to address the male Miqo'te more directly.

"A wand, huh?" he began, scratching at a cheek idly with a gloved finger. "Well, um... tha's a bit outta me specialty range, but if'n ya jus' wanna know what it's made'a, I can give it a shot. I can't quite promise nothin', though, y'know? 'less it's made'a metal."

He glanced over to Jana, who was technically next in line.

"Um, ya dun mind if'n I take a quick peek at it, d'ya? Should only be a moment, I figger, 'n then I can get ta re-balancin' 'n shinin' up yer hora."

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Leggerless - 11-21-2016

W'chaza walked in to the Ironworks with a leather bag slung over her right shoulder and large rolls of paper held with her left arm and hand. Her appearance was plain as ever as she came dressed in a simple shirt, pants, and clogs. A longsword also hung from her waist, still in its scabbard, but appeared in a battered condition judging by the large scrapes, cuts, and edge marks embedded on the exterior. She pushed up her glasses quickly before closing the door behind her and took a few steps into the shop. As she neared the smith, her footsteps slowed as she scanned the other patrons. Stopping after three steps, she sniffed the air once and smiled as the scent of freshly made cookies waltzed into her nose.

She hesitated but for a moment, decided where to wait, and went towards a wall behind the line. Yheli took the bag off her shoulder and set it down on the ground next to her alongside the rolls of papers in her hand and casually leaned against the wall; she didn't feel like sitting today, lest she'd get too comfortable and let the rest of her schedule slip away from her.

Another glance around the room, and her head stops as she gazes towards Zhara in the back, holding her gaze for a moment to tilt her head at the Miqo'te.

Have I seen her before...? Well. No matter; I still need to figure out my other stops this eve before going back. Since I'm in line, I'll work while I wait. No need to interrupt yet.

Shortly after her gaze unlocks from Zhara, she moves her arms to pull out a journal with her left hand and a writing utensil with the right from the pockets on her pants. The utensil in hand, she draws black and white pictures of food items on one page and notes the recipe--ingredients and instructions both--on the adjacent page paired with flowcharts and calculations.

In the back of the room, she quietly works by herself and gives the occasional glance around the area to check her surroundings as she waits for the others to finish.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Star Lin - 11-21-2016

"Yeah, I just need to know what it's made from," he said.  "No, it isn't made of metal." he added, moving over to a corner, wishing that it was made of anything then what Protector and Fury was sure it was made of.  "Ah, no, um go ahead and work on Lady Jana's Hora.  This can wait."  He didn't want to put anyone out even if it meant he would have to wait longer.  John wish that Kit was out, if only to help his nerves a bit but didn't want to risk the chance of her saying something about the reason he needed to know.

He almost jump when another Miqo'te enter the room, slipping in to stand beside him.  His hand almost clutch the bag tighter, before forcing himself to relax.  He was starting to become paranoid from helping out the Rogue's guild.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - SapphireSkylines - 11-22-2016

Zhara stood further back to make room for the next couple of patrons. She still had the cookie tray in her hands. Before all the cookies were taken, she made sure to take two for Chachan and would put them off to the side before setting the rest of the cookies down on the kotasu for anyone to take. 

Zhara would give a friendly smile to the W'chaza, the newest miqo'te to walk in. "Welcome to Usagenji Ironworks! I'm Zhara if you need anything." she'd lean against a wall as she watched Chachan interact with his customers.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Gegenji - 11-25-2016

Jana seemed to be caught in deep thought over drink options now that her default option - alcohol - seemed unavailable. Of course, that wasn't something someone would expect at a smithy... but then again, one likely didn't expect cookies at such a business either. And yet, there they were enjoying such things as if it were par for the course.

"Well, um... looks like Ms. Jana's... kinda still figgerin' out what she wants ta drink. So, I 'spose I can give it a quick peek now?" Chachanji insisted, taking a step towards John. He paused only for the briefest moment to look the Miqo'te male over before adding: "Ya seem... I 'unno, like yer in a bit of'a rush. Dun wanna keep ya, y'know?"

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Star Lin - 11-25-2016

"No, no, I'm not busy, it just..." he trail off before sighing.  "Give me a moment."  John gentle took the wrap item out of his bag.  He look at his friend, hoping that Cha had been around Auri enough that he would perhaps recognize something in the wand, and began to unwrap it.  As the first bit of the horn wand was reveal, John's face took on a bit of a sick look, probably cluing the others in that the male miqo'te had a good idea on what the wand was made from.

John handed the wand over to Chachan, who would probably find it light, compare to other wands made from horns.  If he thinks about try it, tapping would find that the wand his hollow, and there is a scales on the horn as well.  "I'm sorry about bringing this into your shop but I really need to know what type of horn it is."

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Caspar - 11-26-2016

She didn't allow much to settle upon her face, but Virara's narrowing eye was the look of a girl unamused. With a tilt of her head, she glances up at him grudgingly, rubbing her neck. Her nose twitched; perhaps a sign of relief that Jana wouldn't be able to suffuse her sinuses with the stench of alcohol. 

"No 'Lady.' Such formality, for my sake. It is a waste." 

Her flat voice emitted sound in stops and starts. Virara's sentences seemed to become truncated haphazardly when guarded or anxious, as if dictating from a tattered letter. Her face affixed John with a curious stare, watching his face as he appraised the inactive wand. Having watched Chachanji's work with perhaps excessive attention, she was transparently dubious of his familiarity with bone working. Yet he'd surprised her before. Additional study was commendable. She did not consider "Chagenji" someone who could only specialize in one talent, or one career. A variety of skills, so that one would never be truly without an answer, was its own manner of mastery. With her mind woven tightly around her hands, such mastery was, by her reckoning, beyond Virara.

"... Scaled-one horn?" 

Her silky voice unfurled to reveal an outrageous leap of logic. The term she used was the one the girl often attached to Au Ra. Virara was not beholden to common sense. By her reasoning, if Spoken blood was used in the baffling rituals common in Eorzean aetheric craft, why not flesh, or bone? The legal restrictions and cultural taboos that might have put blood magic out of consideration for an Eorzean did not exist for her.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Gegenji - 12-01-2016

Chachan took the wand and looked it over as critically as he could. As he had stated - wands and the like were mostly the wheelhouse of folks like the Goldsmith's Guild, along with the usual finer things like jewelry. The closest he had gotten to working with either was a staff he had made out of elemental material - basically a stick topped with a fist-sized hunk of fire crytal - and a small assortment of failed earrings made for Memeli that ultimately were sold off somehow by the incomprehensible business sense of Verad.

"Well, 's certainly bone 'r horn of some kind, I can def'nitely say that much," he affirmed, albeit weakly. Bone and horn was not uncommon in various weaponry and armor - either as the main component or simply as stylish decoration. What type eluded him initially, and his thoughts on the matter were briefly interrupted by Virara's outburst. "W-well now, I wouldn't say tha'..."

He tapered off as a memory tugged at the back of his mind. A young Xaelan warrior, not much older than he was at the time, who had ventured out of the Steppes to have his first weapon made. A dagger, made from one of his horns that had been torn off in the middle of battle with a rival tribe. The only reason why he remembered it was due to what the Au Ra had stated, spoken as if told to him by another.

"So that I may may learn from my mistake and never again be defenseless."

His father had simply nodded his head, taken the horn and - within a sun's time - presented the bone knife to the youngster. He paid his gil and then left. Chachan couldn't quite recall ever seeing him again. But he still could vaguely remember the horn as it sat on the counter, as it awaited its transformation in the forge. He hadn't gotten nearly this close to it, handled it, but there were enough similarities.

"A-ah... w-well... actually, y-y'know, funny story..."

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Star Lin - 12-01-2016

"I am a bit distracted, Virara, so please forgive me the slip of my tongue," he said.  Gods, he felt even worst for involving Chachan in this.  But he had to know so he could pass it on to Fury and Protector.  Then they would have figure out a way to go after the Merchant that was selling this.  Because, he didn't want anyone else to go through what Defiant went through when her own horn was taken from her.

John stiffen when Virara voice what he was suspecting the wand to be.  His head turn to her, eyes locking with her's.  He wanted to ask her if she was sure of it but held his tongue until Chachan was able to tell him if it was or not.  If he wasn't able to figure out if it was made from an Auri's horn, then he would have to go to Howl, and that meant he would get involve in this.

He turn back to Chachan, almost breathing out a sigh of relief on to have his friend trail off.  Did what Virara say make him remember something?  "Funny story?"  He didn't see anything funny with this, not with Defiant's memories in his head, the pain he had felt as if it was his own as that woman saw off Defiant's horn.  He tighten his hands into fists just to keep himself from reaching up to stop that remember pain.  He swallow against the bile against the back of his throat as he 'dream' those memories from the horn that Aethertide had been sent.  "Is it made from an Au Ra's horn?" he ask, in a low voice.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Leggerless - 12-06-2016

Yheli held up her index finger towards Zhara, silently telling her to wait a moment, and made a few more notes in her journal. One minute later, she put away the writing utensil and book in her hands back inside of her clothes and picked up the papers and bag she set on the floor. Papers now in hand and bag slung over shoulder, she raised herself off the wall and moved swiftly and silently towards Zhara.

"Well. Meant for that little smith there unless you're also one of the smiths here. Have multiple orders. The first one I'll require as soon as possible; the second one I'll request be either delivered to me or I pick up later when convenient."

She takes the first roll of paper and hands it off to Zhara. Upon opening, she would find a detailed schematic of a thin longsword. There were slight variations, however; the blade was single-edged, thin, the length of your typical Eorzean longsword, and also curved slightly. The crossguard is circular and not too large, the hilt large enough to hold two Miqo'te sized hands, and the total weight described as allowing one or two-handed use. Most of the parts were written in with their dimensions near the part of the blade they correspond to.

The second roll of paper handed soon after contains drawings of several culinary knifes--a paring knife, Santoku knife, filet knife, carving knife, bread knife, and a chef's knife--as well as one small design for kitchen shears. Similar to the first roll there are dimensions attached to each specific part of the items drawn.

"Sword's something I picked up from a trade with one of the recent immigrants. Said it's based on the blades some soldiers used there. Also said its more of a Western Doma derivative, if that matters? The other roll is a bunch of knifes I need for, well, cooking and preparing food."

The Miqo'te adjusts the bag over her shoulder slightly once she finishes, adjusts her glasses right after, then looks up at Zhara once more. "Are these doable or not?"

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - SapphireSkylines - 12-07-2016

Zhara would eye the schematics, and then would look at Chachan who was busy with figuring out what materials were used in making John's wand before looking back over to the miqo'te woman. "Chachan is the only smith here, I'm just the girlfriend who helps out, but... both of those look doable. Problem is that he primarily makes armor over weapons due to his own personal reasons, but it doesn't hurt to ask." She then looked over at Chachan again and would raise her voice so that she could be heard over the group of people.

"Hey kishi, sorry... I know you're busy, but this woman is wanting to get some kitchen knives made as well as a sword. I know you usually don't usually make weapons... um she even has schematics." she'd gesture to the rolls of paper that the woman was holding. At this point she was unsure if Chachan was going to reject making them or not.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Gegenji - 12-08-2016

"A-ah, well... it miiiiiiiight be?" Chachan admitted sheepishly, tugging at the collar of his shirt. "I-I mean, I dun work wit lotsa bone - much less Spoken bones. But it kinda looks like somethin' I saw cycles ago made by Papa. Err, by request, by a Xaela who got his horn broke off. I can't be certain, though... s-so I wouldn't jump ta conclusions 'til ya check wit someone... er... more famil'ar wit this sorta thin'."

He paused for a beat.

"I, uh... ain't sure who tha'd be, though. Dun really know many folks who deal in makin' stuff outta Spoken parts. ... Anyone, really, save tha' one special request ta me Papa I mentioned."

He rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck. While he wanted to assume that this wand could maybe have been crafted in a similar circumstance, he couldn't know for sure. Perhaps the infectious nature of John's worrying and concern had steeped a bit in the Lalafell's own worrywart personality. Whatever the reason, Chachanji was more than happy to change subjects when Zhara provided him with one.

"A-ah, yeah, tha's th' lady from th' petsah place, right? Glad ya could make it," he piped up immediately, all but snatching the design documents from her in an attempt to get the topic of Spoken-part weapons out of his mind. "Lemme see 'ere."

Another pause as he looked it all over and the information sunk into his floof-covered mind.

"O-oh, um... y-yeah," he finally chirped, his pacifism rearing its head again. "I... uh... 'spose I could make this. 's jus', err, like Zhara said - I kinda... don't really like makin' weapons. Ev'n kitchen knives end up kinda..."

He tapered off as padded over to one of his various chests. Popping it open, the Lalafell rummaged about before producing what looked very much like your standard kitchen knife - ready to chop up various vegetables and other foodstuffs. With it, he grabbed an iron ingot and set them both atop his anvil.

He motioned for Yheli to look, since he felt this would emphasize his point. Once he had her attention, he slid the kitchen knife from its sheath and proceeded to... well... chop up the iron ingot like it was a piece of celery. He gave an embarassed little smile to the Miqo'te before continuing his explanation.

"Like tha'. That or they end up too dull fer anyone ta use..." he admitted awkwardly as he returned the knife to its sheath and swept the iron ingot slices into the slag pile for later re-purposing. "I'm... kinda still workin' on gettin' th' happier medium? But till I, y'know, figger it out... I dun wanna make somethin' ya might hurt yerself on in th' kitchen."

"'n tha's fer somethin' that ain't designed fer hurtin' folks," he added as he turned back to her. "So, um... I figger it jus' easier ta... y'know... not really make weapons 'less I know 'n trust th' person 'm makin' 'em for. I can provide some translatin' notes on th' diagrams 'n point ya ta someone else who might be able ta make it fer ya, though..."

A third pause.

"Y-y'know, if'n tha's akay."

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Star Lin - 12-09-2016

John gave a smile, though it look a bit uneasy.  "It gives us a better lea...idea on what it's made from," he said.  He took the wand from Chachan, gentle wrapping it back up in the white cloth.  He paused for a moment, staring at the tip, and realizing he was going to have to do this the hard way.  "Thanks Cha for doing this for me.  I didn't mean to trouble you with this."

Once he had it wrap up, he turn to Zhara.  "How much do I owe for this, Lady Zhara?" he asked, coming up behind Chachan.  He only got a quick look at some of the drawing, wondering how hard it would be to make the sword though he actually work better with wood then metal.  He watch his friend pull out a kitchen knife and then processed to...chop an iron ingot with it.  He was pretty sure his jaw was scrapping the floor at the site.

RE: Forging Ahead [Semi-Open] - Leggerless - 12-09-2016

Yheli moved closer to Chachanji after motioned to and glanced down at the ingot and the knife. Her eyes were trained on the knife and she followed its movements carefully. Once she saw how easily the ingot was cut with little pressure, she cocked an eyebrow with surprise before she returned to her usual self.

"Oddly enough that sort of variance also applies to cooking, but there's plenty of mediums abound in that profession."

She chuckled a bit to herself before looking over the schematics and pointing down at some of the text.

"I'd still ask you to make them for me, but seeing as how your personal values go against the idea..." Another pause, as she brought a hand up to her chin to ponder the situation. "A translation for the sword's schematics will suffice then; allows a native to Eorzea to make it if I cannot find another like yourself." She said, lowering her hand and looking at Chachanji with a smile across her face.

"Now, I know you don't prefer to make weapons presently, but may I ask to purchase that knife from you?" Her question was one of genuine curiosity, not marred by an ulterior motive. "If it works that well I can use it as a multi-purpose knife and eliminate the need for... two of these knifes I have on the second schematic roll. I can definitely see a use for it on the Island Coconuts at least..."

She turns her attention to the knife once more, scanning its features more closely and even picking it up if allowed to.