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Sins vs Virtues (Character Development) - Printable Version

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RE: Sins vs Virtues (Character Development) - Volk - 11-26-2014

Lust vs Chastity
4 - Ameline longs for companionship, but she isn't in it just for her physical needs. She would rather remain chaste for the rest of her days than to bed someone simply to satisfy an urge. She leans more toward chastity, but awaits the day that the right individual comes along.

Gluttony vs Temperance
7 - Ameline lives a lean life. She has no permanent residence and spends most of her time on the roads and wilder places between cities. The virtue of temperance is necessity for her lifestyle. Past the whimsical facade, she is very practical and calculating with how she rations and uses what she owns - food, gil, etc.

Greed vs Charity
5 - Ameline cares very little for material goods. It isn't a moral stance, it's just the byproduct of her vagrant lifestyle. While she can be charitable on occasion, it is typically out of convenience. If she is carrying a heavy load of supplies and does not want to carry around a 2 ponz bag of gil, she may hand it off to the nearest caravaneer in exchange for something she can more readily use (Example: Recent bandit movements along a main thoroughfare).

Sloth vs Diligence
2 - Ameline goes at her own pace. Even close friends will note that she is often late and never seems to be in a hurry to be anywhere. She works for her living, but her living is subsistence and that is fine with her as it keeps life simple. It is not uncommon for travelers to spot the lanky Elezen lounging in creeks or beaches in the middle of the day.

Wrath vs Patience
8 - Ameline is many annoying things, but she is not hot-tempered. She has been raised from a young age to weigh situations carefully and to never jump to conclusions. Because of this, many people find her to have an unprecedentedly forgiving level of patience - even in the face of confrontation and insult. She is no push-over, but is not one to draw steel quickly.

Envy vs Kindness
8 - People who know Ameline know one thing - she's a sweetheart. She is always willing to lend an ear to a stranger or friend alike and seldom has a negative thing to say about anyone. Because of her vagrant lifestyle, her envy of wealth is practically non-existent. She would rather barter services for necessary provisions than take a coin purse to the market any day of the week. It is true, she looks upon beautiful people and occasionally wishes she could be as glamorous as they are, but she knows that she is who she is; money, fashion, or enhanced beauty can't change her soul.

Pride vs Humility
5 - Ameline does not suffer from self-esteem issues or lack for confidence, but she has a realistic awareness of the more experienced, wealthy, and beautiful people that inhabit the lands she walks. She will freely admit to not being the most beautiful creature to walk the City-States or the most skilled pathfinder in the lands. Still, she takes pride in her skills and will not be afraid to give an honest and uninflated appraisal of her ability if asked.

Does your character lean more towards the Sins or the Virtues?

Ameline tends to be a mixed bag; by a small margin, she tends to lean more toward the Virtues.

Which Sin does your character most emulate?

Sloth. She wouldn't know how to cope with a "real" job. At present, she's laying around about 85% of the time, working the rest.

Which Virtue does your character most emulate?

Kindness. Ameline is a kind-hearted Elezen that would never intentionally shun someone or attempt to wound their pride or feelings. She is quite aware of her empathetic nature and nurtures it commonly - she feels that there isn't enough optimism or kindness in the world at the moment.

Which of these Sins or Virtues do you and/or your character believe they need to work on the most?

Ameline has some serious issues regarding her struggle with Lust and Chastity. Without a stable romantic interest, she will continue to pine over lovers lost and keep from achieving anything of importance.

This sort of goes hand in hand with Sloth. Her lack of ambition holds her back both personally and socially. She has the education and talent to be someone, but is too distracted with her internal struggles to really get out there and get her piece of the pie.

RE: Sins vs Virtues (Character Development) - Ette - 11-26-2014

This was a fun exercise. Granted first I bawked and guffawed and thought I’d breeze right through this but certain ones caused me to stop and really think about exactly how my character is shaped. ANYWAY, here ya go:

Lafiaht Dwinani

Rating Scale:
1 - 10. 1 as complete Sin. 10 as complete Virtue. 4 near the middle, closer to the Sin. 5 near the middle closer to the Virtue.

Lust vs Chasity

Lafiaht is utterly unabashed in her sexuality. Sex—to her—is as much of a biological imperative as eating or sleeping. She’ll bed someone when she feels she needs it but demands respect from her partners. There are clear standards on the Keeper’s part. When it comes to recreational sex partners are in high supply and low demand, and she will happily disengage from one person if it prospects seem better with another.

Non-sexually Lafiaht. . . wants. Contentedness is posed as a good thing to keep people with less from wanting more and Lafiaht wants the most. Will she take everything? Likely not, but that doesn’t stop her desires.  

Gluttony vs Temperance

Lafiaht would like to think she can exercise restraint. She really would. When push comes to shove. . .she might! Still, that doesn’t mean she will in all circumstances. The cat staunchly follows a “do what makes for the better story” mantra. Sure, she could say “I went to a party and it was very nice” and that’s. . . quaint but not very interesting. “I went to a party and it was very nice. I drank till I was piss drunk, threw up on the hosts’ wife, and tried to steal a chocobo.” Now that sounds like a good story. Indulgence is the spice of life. . . For Lafi, anyway.

Greed vs Charity

In conjunction with her ratings on lust and gluttony this may seem paradoxical but. . . There’s no use of being the queen of nothing. There’s no value in your assets if they aren’t shared. Lafiaht has a strong desire for material wealth. . . But sees little point in hoarding it all. There’s a good reason the people at the top of the latter are miserable and lonely, she thinks, and she’d rather not ever be there if she can help it. . . But walls lined with gil would be nice, too.

Sloth vs Diligence

At first glance Lafiaht seems lazy and utterly shiftless but often times has some sort of goal. . . even if it’s utterly abstract. The Keeper is unable to go through life without some sort of aim. It’s a residual trait from living in a tribe. You can only keep what you can hold and you can only have what you can earn. Duties that Lafiaht takes up will always be completed.

Wrath vs Patience

As both an arcanist and someone who wants to be a teacher in the future there is little control in anger. Lafiaht may had had trouble with it when she was younger and may face trouble with it under certain circumstance but when rarely does she succumb to an uncontrolled anger. Experience has taught her that a little patience (and experimentation) can go a long way in getting the outcome that she’s looking for.

Envy vs Kindness

Kindess is what forcibly rips Lafiaht out of the “villain” spectrum and lands her with a dull thud into “neutral” territory. Despite any adversity that’s thrown her way Lafiaht has a near compulsion to be nice (or at least civil) with others more often times than not. Even through her aggressive mannerisms she’d much rather outstretch her hand than kick someone while they’re down. The only thing stopping this from being higher is that Lafiaht's kindness comes at arm's length and people coming too close as a result of her actions are prone to making her drop whatever she's been doing and run off.

Pride vs Humility

Lafiaht is proud and routinely haughty. Why wouldn’t she be? She’s not one of your giggling Seeker girls or worse some half cocked Nuhn. She’s a woman of the woods. She’s pulled herself out of the mud and away from primitive trappings to become an academic all while staying away from societal trappings as well. She’s amazi—Okay not quite. In fact, while Lafiaht is good at what she does she’s only just started on her road to bettering herself. There’s nothing to show for her perceived strengths and accomplishments. In fact, her pride does little more than hold her back, make her look utterly silly, and keep up tensions between herself and people she might actually get along with were she to tone it down a little.

Does your character lean more towards the Sins or the Virtues?

Sins. Life is short and death takes all. Should there be a place separate for those with a certain propriety about them Lafiaht wants to be far far away from that place.

Which Sin does your character most emulate?

Gluttony. On a more spiritual level Lafiaht is so excessive that it’s incredibly difficult for her to acclimate to more modest living.

Which Virtue does your character most emulate?

Kindness. The world is in bad shape and near everyone has forgotten about the middle men and the little guy. Lafiaht hasn’t.

Which of these Sins or Virtues do you and/or your character believe theyneed to work on the most?

Humility. Apparently when Lafiaht was shoving her fingers into every pie she could get her hands on she skipped humble pie. There will be no progression for her as a person if she can't learn to take herself down a peg.

RE: Sins vs Virtues (Character Development) - Dasair - 11-26-2014

So this took a while.  But it was fun!   The problem of having a shifty neutral character arises yet again.

Xavarian Mystrife

Rating Scale:
1 - 10. 1 as complete Sin. 10 as complete Virtue. 4 near the middle, closer to the Sin. 5 near the middle closer to the Virtue.

Lust vs Chasity: 2.5

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Gluttony vs Temperance: 5

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Greed vs Charity: 5

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Sloth vs Diligence: 9

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Wrath vs Patience: 6

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Envy vs Kindness: 8

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Pride vs Humility: 8

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Does your character lean more towards the Sins or the Virtues?
... Apparently Virtues (which I honestly think is pretty weird, especially once you read through all that), though most can easily flop back and forth given the situation at hand.  A few likely won't change.  Everything else is a barely-skimming neutral.

Which Sin does your character most emulate?
Lust.  To Xavarian, what he's after is everything; it is growth, experience, what drives sentient life itself, and what will lead him to even more intriguing sorts of it.  It won't end, till it all ends, and till then, he'll keep on wanting.

Which Virtue does your character most emulate?
Diligence.  It goes hand in hand with his Lust, in that he is constantly working towards what he wants, and feels all paths lead there, it's just up to him to take in all he can with each twist of the road.  And, of course, to let nothing get in his way.

Which of these Sins or Virtues do you and/or your character believe they need to work on the most?
Pride, weirdly.  Mostly because, despite Xavarian's unstoppable will to do what he wants to do, he thinks very little of himself as a person.  He needs more confidence, to think that he is worth something, not just his endeavors, because if he can get that, maybe he can start getting how other people matter too, and that there's more to it all than just his goals.

RE: Sins vs Virtues (Character Development) - Faye - 11-26-2014

Lust vs Chasity
Including lust for power as lust, I'd say Faye is a 2 if not a downright 1. Were it simply sexual lust, I'd consider her probably a 9.

Gluttony vs Temperance
5. She does enjoy a life of luxury, but not to the point of wastefulness, especially not when it comes to food. While she does like to indulge (especially in tea), she is also quite mannerly mindful of those around her as well as the public's best interests (or her perception of them, anyway).

Greed vs Charity
8. While she greatly enjoys material possessions, she also values helping others and will sacrifice herself for them if need be.

Sloth vs Diligence
10. Never gives up. Never gives in. Never stops working.

Wrath vs Patience
3. Her patience is limited. Sometimes violence and vengeance get better results!

Envy vs Kindness
8. She has a desire for a great many things, but doesn't usually envy traits in others. She's only concerned with what she has, not with what others possess. She's also willing to lend a hand to anyone she doesn't consider an enemy.

Pride vs Humility
1. "The world is a mess, and I just need to rule it."

Does your character lean more towards the Sins or the Virtues? Faye's a fairly complicated and conflicted character, so she's all over the place. It averaged out to 5.286~ so I suppose she's fairly in middle but leans more toward the virtuous.

Which Sin does your character most emulate? Pride. She believes she is always right, and that she is stronger, smarter, more righteous, more valuable, and more capable than almost everyone else. Second would be lust. She has a thirst power in all forms (followers, strength, charm, money, knowledge, allure, etc.) that cannot be quenched. Third is wrath. She often solves problems with force when she's exhausted all other measures (and as far as she's concerned, a few failed tries means "exhausted").

Which Virtue does your character most emulate? Diligence. She's always hardworking and steadfast in her beliefs. She's motivated and she does not budge in her convictions. Second would be kindness and charity, tied for similar reasons. Faye's actually fairly nice and helpful to those who do not insult her or get in her way. She will go out of her way to risk life and limb for anyone who's not on her bad side. She will sacrifice herself and her resources for friends and total strangers alike, and while she won't do the same for enemies, in the long run she may soften up and show more mercy than expected.

Which of these Sins or Virtues do you and/or your character believe they need to work on the most? OOC, I think she needs to work on lust and wrath. She's too power hungry, which lands her in a lot of trouble, and too short-tempered (of course, all of that's half the fun for me, though). I also believe she should be less diligent--it often hurts her in the long run. IC, Faye believes she's mostly a pretty decent person. She recognizes most of her flaws but views them as strengths or necessary evils at worst. The only thing she really doubts is her tendency to secretly put the well-being of those she loves most before the needs of the "greater good" she so loves to preach about, but I'm not really certain what Sin that would fall under.

RE: Sins vs Virtues (Character Development) - Val - 11-27-2014

Rating Scale:
1 - 10. 1 as complete Sin. 10 as complete Virtue. 4 near the middle, closer to the Sin. 5 near the middle closer to the Virtue.

Lust vs Chasity
Val is probably a 2. Lust doesn't take complete control of him, but he certainly has it and he's not ashamed of telling someone that he finds them attractive or is in the mood. It's been kept under control due to his relationship with his wife, but all that's effectively done is funnel his needs on to her.

Gluttony vs Temperance
Val is a 3. He's not entirely gluttonous, but he does love his wine and he also loves to fight. If he had it his way, he'd do it pretty much all day long. 

Greed vs Charity
Val isn't a very giving individual, but he also doesn't care for material wealth. I'd put him right in the middle at 5. All he needs is enough coin to get him through life and feels that's all everyone else should need, too.

Sloth vs Diligence
I'd register Val as an 8. He hates work that he isn't interested in, but he also isn't fond of just lounging around doing nothing. He'll go out and train and do whatever he needs to do and, in the rare occasion that he actually sets his mind to something, he'll let nothing stop him from reaching his goal.

Wrath vs Patience
Val is more than known for his wrath. He's not interested in solving things in a peaceful manner in the slightest, preferring to beat someone to prove his dominance rather than talk things over. ...However, his wife has managed to teach him to remain calm and help balance out his anger issues. Because of that, he'd fall around a 3.

Envy vs Kindness
Val doesn't tend to care enough about people to be jealous of them, and he feels that his kindness is a show that someone has his respect, and his respect should be earned. Therefore, he's a 5.

Pride vs Humility
Val thinks very little of others and, originally, only thought of himself and his wife when it came to considering outcomes. She's since taught him some humility and, while he struggles with worrying about others, he does still tend to focus on himself and not worry about anything outside of that. He certainly thinks of himself as better than anyone else involving certain activities, and his cocky demeanor shows it. He'd rank a 2.

Does your character lean more towards the Sins or the Virtues?
Val is, without a doubt, a sinner.

Which Sin does your character most emulate?
Pride and lust go pretty hand and hand with him.

Which Virtue does your character most emulate?

Which of these Sins or Virtues do you and/or your character believe they need to work on the most?
Val doesn't think he needs to work on anything. He feels he's just perfectly fine. If anything, he feels that others need to get their priorities straight. With this in mind, I feel that Val could certainly learn a bit of humility and be able to tone down his pride. His lust is no longer an issue and is generally pretty under control now.