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Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Printable Version

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RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Yune - 07-24-2014

Thank you, everyone, for your informative replies. >^.^<

I was aware of the various types of RP plots in the game, I just wasn't sure how common/uncommon it was for the people involved in those plots to notice anyone outside of their FC, that's all. I know that some plots in the game are probably very time consuming and of high interest to those involved, and I likely wouldn't want to feel pulled away either. Was just wondering as an outsider what the chances were to interact with some of you guys already swept away in your FC stuff.

As was mentioned earlier, solo-RP can get boring and really difficult, especially if you play most of the game alone in terms of content already. It sounds like there are many fantastic roleplayers on this server, so was just trying to gauge my chances of ever bumping into them without being a part of their FC and it's plot.

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - LiveVoltage - 07-24-2014


Most dedicated RPers on this server are dedicated to an RP FC, and due to their high recruitment standards and procedures, not many find their way into one. If you wanna RP full time then you will be hard pressed to get into one of the big RPFC's.   :I

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - FreelanceWizard - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 02:59 PM)Yune Wrote: As was mentioned earlier, solo-RP can get boring and really difficult, especially if you play most of the game alone in terms of content already. It sounds like there are many fantastic roleplayers on this server, so was just trying to gauge my chances of ever bumping into them without being a part of their FC and it's plot.

One of the best ways to meet people (and by extension their FC/LS) is to talk to people whose characters you find interesting and arrange a "chance" meeting. That way, you can interact and see how things go. You might also get an invitation to an event, which would be an easy way to meet people, or an invite to the group's OOC channel. You might also try checking out some of the common RP spots outside of taverns (Camp Bronze Lake, the beach in Mist, the Bismarck, etc.) to see if you can run into anyone RPing.

I'll be honest -- it's not common for people to end up in an RP FC by just meeting people in the field and RPing with them. That said, a few of Mysterium's members are those we met while RPing out in the world, so it's certainly possible to get looped in unexpectedly. Smile

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - LiveVoltage - 07-24-2014

I think the general idea you should try though is one of the scheduled tavern meets like this one right here. The hard part is integrating yourself in the RP community. Pretty easy stuff after that, though I shouldn't be one to talk because im not part of a group yet. Maybe I will join HoD if they would have me.  @_@

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Zhavi - 07-24-2014

What I did to integrate myself (am I integrated? I guess so) was to find characters I liked on the wiki and then pm the player here. With forum rp we'd set up a plot ahead of time, but with in game rp generally I'd just come with an idea, and roll forward with a very basic premise. At this point I've rped with people in many different FCs, and if I wanted to try to turn one of those into a home for Zhi I likely could (assuming all the ooc stuff checked out and so on and so forth) -- but she's built to be anti-social, so no FC for her or me. But it is possible, I think; first step is to find people to rp with. Once you've tried rp out with several different people, then you'll start getting more rp opportunities. After that you can start looking at FCs from an IC perspective, and just let things flow that way.

But the first step is inevitably communication. If you're in the right place at the right time you'll find it spontaneously in the great wild yonder -- but if you're like me and like to stack odds in your favor, try out the pming-people-you-want-to-rp-with angle.

People are friendly. The only time I've ever gotten a no was back when I could only rp on the forums and there were one or two who didn't care for forum rp, in which case they were open to rping in game (unless we're counting people who didn't reply, but eh, let's be optimistic and count that as two ships passing in the night whose comm systems were busted).

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Melkire - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 04:23 PM)Zhavi Wrote: ...(unless we're counting people who didn't reply, but eh, let's be optimistic and count that as two ships passing in the night whose comm systems were busted).

Flare gu-

*remembers the Titanic and the Californian*

...never mind.

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Faye - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 03:05 PM)LiveVoltage Wrote: Hrm...

Most dedicated RPers on this server are dedicated to an RP FC, and due to their high recruitment standards and procedures, not many find their way into one. If you wanna RP full time then you will be hard pressed to get into one of the big RPFC's.   :I

I'd disagree. Most FC's are pretty simple to get into. Some are geared toward certain types of characters, and some have an application process and/or an IC interview, but I haven't happened across very many that are particularly exclusive or elite.

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - LiveVoltage - 07-24-2014

I would agree. My only problem is having to apply on a website to join. I mean, I can just tell them I have an RPC wiki for my character so that sort of kills the entire point of applying. Not to mention that I have to sign up for the website to apply and that clogs up my email.   @_@

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Yune - 07-24-2014

It's nice to know that many FCs are accessible rather than completely exclusive. I'm just leery with FCs in general. Even over on Midgardsormr, I never was able to find one, not to mention I would just be bombarded with random invites all day long from people who never even bothered to talk to me. I'll admit it was very refreshing to join this server and see the difference, knowing that the FCs here obviously took more care in who they brought in. But for a shy person like me, that still is a bit of a set back. lol

@Freelance Wizard - It gives me hope hearing you say that people were brought into your own group by chance. It may be detrimental to most people these days who are looking for the most efficient way to get involved in a group, but I've always preferred the natural process of getting to know people vs. being a random unknown who sends in an application for an FC person to be like "who the f* is this?". Maybe I just want to know more about the people I'd be getting involved with, rather than filling out an application, going through the process of recruitment, only to find that none of us are satisfied and it was just a big waste of time all around.

EDIT: And I'll agree with the above... Signing up on yet another website to apply to an FC that may not even work out seems a bit... Well, I also don't like putting my email out there more than I have to. I've finally pulled away from the days of having a ton of spam in my inbox and I'd like to keep it that way. lol

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Eva - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 04:41 PM)Yune Wrote: Maybe I just want to know more about the people I'd be getting involved with, rather than filling out an application, going through the process of recruitment, only to find that none of us are satisfied and it was just a big waste of time all around.
I tend not to view this process as a waste of time, and a large part of my character's backstory revolves around how she didn't fit into a number of groups before finding a couple that she did - which in turn changed her in very profound ways.

This being said, I do sympathize with that mentality of just wanting to get to the 'destination' without the frustration and effort of the journey. Everyone wants to find their niche and it isn't always easy. FC's have ongoing storylines and when I stop and think about our own I realize that it keeps me busy to the point where I often don't get to RP with folks outside the group as much as I would like (and will be more proactive in "branching out" in the weeks/months to come as well because as much as I love our FC members, I know there are a lot of awesome RPers out there beyond our own borders).

I would suggest learning a bit more about the few that seem most interesting to you (which makes me also very much aware that our own Crystalline page here needs a major overhaul since we are very out-of-date), and then hang around with some of their members. It has been said - and I agree - that most FC's are very accommodating. We like when people visit our grounds in Lavender Beds (OOCly anyway, some of our members are ICly a little standoffish/paranoid, but we're mercs and many of us legitimately have chips on our shoulders) and we want to make sure members are a good fit for us as well. Even if you land yourself in a company that seems ideal at first but turns out not to be what you expected, you can still RP that mismatch as being illuminating for the character, and just another stepping stone along the broken road that takes him or her to wherever he or she is headed.

There is the fact that you will have to be somewhat proactive to do this - which sometimes doesn't favor those who are on the shy end of the spectrum - but I have seen this proactivity rewarded on many occasions. Most FC's are relatively stationary and respond when interested parties come to them to join. One of our officers was holding a regular recruitment event (usually in Ul'dah outside of the Adventurer's Guild) which had mixed results, but offered an avenue for some RP with freelancers and those from other companies. I'll probably speak with her soon to see about resurrecting this practice, since it was a lot of fun and sent some of us out of our own comfort zone. Smile

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Faye - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 04:40 PM)LiveVoltage Wrote: I would agree. My only problem is having to apply on a website to join. I mean, I can just tell them I have an RPC wiki for my character so that sort of kills the entire point of applying. Not to mention that I have to sign up for the website to apply and that clogs up my email.   @_@

Most have you apply on a site because the site is mandatory/strongly encouraged because it's useful, if not necessary, for relaying information about events, character biographies, or even just chatting and getting to know your FC-mates. There's only so much information that can be posted and relayed in-game with the FC message having a short character limit and some people still not even bothering to look/read it. Also, most applications are OOC so having a Wiki profile doesn't help much!

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Yune - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 05:10 PM)Eva Wrote: I tend not to view this process as a waste of time, and a large part of my character's backstory revolves around how she didn't fit into a number of groups before finding a couple that she did - which in turn changed her in very profound ways.

This being said, I do sympathize with that mentality of just wanting to get to the 'destination' without the frustration and effort of the journey. Everyone wants to find their niche and it isn't always easy. FC's have ongoing storylines and when I stop and think about our own I realize that it keeps me busy to the point where I often don't get to RP with folks outside the group as much as I would like (and will be more proactive in "branching out" in the weeks/months to come as well because as much as I love our FC members, I know there are a lot of awesome RPers out there beyond our own borders).

Egh, I should've worded things a little better than I did. lol

I, too, value the journey more than the inevitable destination. I think my words were a little warped after my experiences on a non-RP server where I had some trial and error with an FC or two, and, as I mentioned, it was a land of constant and anonymous random invites where there literally was no effort involved whatsoever. Hence my natural apprehension of just signing onto one here. I still have to get it in my mind that FCs here function much differently and have different goals than they did over on my non-RP server.

I apologize for the confusion. I suppose I can see it both ways. Applying and going through the recruitment process is part of the journey to find your inevitable destination and can really benefit your IC development. Yet at the same time, I can also see meeting people naturally and one thing leading to another all ICly is also helping the journey. Two different paths of equal effort, all for the same benefit.

Again, I apologize. Just wanted to make sure I was conveying myself correctly.

Also to something you mentioned, Eva - Players are usually alright with unaffiliated people wandering the residential areas? I've thought of wandering a few times just to look at the effort people have put into their estates, but I always talk myself out of it for that feeling of not "belonging".

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Eva - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 05:19 PM)Faye Wrote:
(07-24-2014, 04:40 PM)LiveVoltage Wrote: I would agree. My only problem is having to apply on a website to join. I mean, I can just tell them I have an RPC wiki for my character so that sort of kills the entire point of applying. Not to mention that I have to sign up for the website to apply and that clogs up my email.   @_@

Most have you apply on a site because the site is mandatory/strongly encouraged because it's useful, if not necessary, for relaying information about events, character biographies, or even just chatting and getting to know your FC-mates. There's only so much information that can be posted and relayed in-game with the FC message having a short character limit and some people still not even bothering to look/read it. Also, most applications are OOC so having a Wiki profile doesn't help much!

I agree with this! It's a pretty important medium to convey news, open discussions, and has a lot of benefits. To expand just a little on what Faye has said - and what I have done because I share your concerns about the email clutter - is you might create a separate email account for your character. It seems a little silly, but it has been especially helpful for us, and allows us to effectively compartmentalize things. Anything pertaining to our characters/game (including forum sign-up stuff, the RPC, art commissions, etc.) is all routed to that email address and it has made the "real life" email (which still gets more cluttered than I would like) a bit cleaner and easier to manage. Maybe setting up something like this may help.

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - LiveVoltage - 07-24-2014

I still find it incredibly unreasonable and ridiculous, regardless of the reasoning.   :I

RE: Active RP FCs [Balmung] - Faye - 07-24-2014

(07-24-2014, 05:23 PM)Yune Wrote: Also to something you mentioned, Eva - Players are usually alright with unaffiliated people wandering the residential areas? I've thought of wandering a few times just to look at the effort people have put into their estates, but I always talk myself out of it for that feeling of not "belonging".

Most people are perfectly fine with strangers wandering around and taking a peek around their houses or listening in to their role-play, especially if it's a prospective member. Big Grin FC's have the option to close off their estates to the public, after all, so if they don't take that option they're at least in theory welcome to guests.

Edit: And in response to the website stuff, there are times when people can't get into the game at all (server maintenance, broken computer, expired subscription, away from home, etc.) so it's nice to have a website where members can still stay on touch, and still receive updates about the going-on's of the FC. I don't find signing up to Enjin websites and the like often results in much spam, but as Eva suggested, having multiple e-mail addresses is very helpful.