Hydaelyn Role-Players
A section for Freelancers? - Printable Version

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Re: A section for Freelancers? - River - 03-21-2010

Mason Wrote:Linking would work too, sure. I don't think it's really work to copy/paste something but I guess with a link it'd be as current as it could be since it'll take you directly to the guild.

The difficulty is in the fact that not everyone keeps a simple text file of members. For example, in Lost Boys, I kept an Excel chart of each member, along with various facts about their membership. On the website, our member roster took the form of a Flash component.

And, as it has been said, rosters change frequently. It was enough for me to just trying to keep track of our roster in my own notes and files, without even trying to keep track of it on our website. To have to apply it to a third place is simply more work than I think is necessary. Besides, with the Stormguard being something of a secret society, we wouldn't necessarily want our roster posted in the RPC. In a role-played sense, that defeats the purpose of any secrecy.

I do however intend to post our rules, as those shouldn't need to be changed much at all once they are set in stone.

Re: A section for Freelancers? - Smiling River - 03-21-2010

I agree that it shouldn't be required, especially if it goes against RP.

Re: A section for Freelancers? - Nanapariri - 03-21-2010

Castiel Wrote:Freelancers will be able to vote on issues just like everyone else. They simply won't have representation in the RPC Council and thus won't be able to vote when the council decides whether or not to take an issue to the public. Giving them representation would be extremely difficult due to the fact that freelancers are just that. Their styles are radically different from person to person and some of them don't join guilds in order to avoid having to deal with rules. Thus, any representative for them wouldn't be able to do much to handle griefing or anything drama related when it comes to freelancers.

Maybe we should instead put a section in the rules that tells Freelancers the fact on general items they can vote or voice opinion but won't be involved in the Council on policy making.

Castiel Wrote:That being said, freelancers are still held to the same standards. If they cause issues on these forums, they'll be dealt with accordingly just like anyone else. If the griefing is in game, the best that can be done is simply giving a public notification of the griefer so everyone can just /blist him/her.

This is where I think the problem could delvelop. We have a no gridfing policy on the forum and if the way to handle freelancer problems is to let people post complaints about them and not people in guilds its rather biased. That's why I think their should be a person or body of persons where such complaints can be PMed and the RPC notified. If you allow people to just post thread "This guy is a jerk everyone /blacklist them" you are inviting drama.

Castiel Wrote:In regards to the rosters, I don't think those would be a good idea. It seems like a good idea but it also can turn into a numbers war. That is, certain guilds may feel threatened when other guilds have significantly higher active rosters. This could slowly transform into political rivalries and create tensions. A guild may try to suck up some of the members of a larger guild and cause serious problems between the groups. The smaller RP groups may also feel insignificant compared to the larger ones and struggle to get new members as a result. Thus, roster lists could prove more problematic than they're worth.

After reading all of your input I can agree rosters wouldn't be a way to handle this.

I think I'm looking more for than a section is a clear policy on:

1) Rules clear to Freelancers on that they are required to follow rules and will be held responsible for their actions just like people in the guilds

2) A way to report Freelancers who break rules to the RPC that is clear, private and doesn't bring the issue onto the RPC forum inviting drama.

Re: A section for Freelancers? - ramdragn - 03-21-2010

I honestly don't see why make exclusive rules for freelance RPers when they are from the coalition if they wish to be. I mean, they will follow the same rules and want the same output, they just will lack a second set of rules dictated by the individual guild.

I believe they need no less nor more privilege just because they prefer no affiliations.

However, if actions will be taken, I agree 100% with Tsumi. I second a Freelance representative (a link between the complains and the RPC if ever needed)

As the rooster/database deal spoken, I don't think we need one since we have a forum to update as pleased. Unless some PHP or C++ program is customized to post and display data as its either updated or automatically changed it can be not only hard but tiresome

((Fight for vote rights!)) :lol!:

Re: A section for Freelancers? - Nomine - 03-21-2010

I think I may be missing the meat of this so I apologize if this sounds uninformed or idiotic, work also turns my brain to mush... >.>

I'm a little confused on the need for any sort of seperate rules regarding freelancers or the like? As far as behavior on the forum, general forum rules should apply right? In regards to freelance rper behavior within the game when it's released shouldn't that be more of an individual basis? The FFXIVRC is being built as a means to help promote community growth and to encourage events and development right? Does there really need to be any sort of in game policing involving the RPC? Unless I'm completely reading this wrong which, feel free to delete if I am >.>

Having guild representatives and such kinda make sense as they put the extra effort in it to organize a group, actually run the guild and should recieve a greater voice since they're speaking on behalf of their own, but I sorta agree with one of the above posts about why Freelancers would need that extra care? Having a representative for a group that is, in and of themselves avoiding specific organization into a guild, seems kinda silly, otherwise why not join up with a guild? In regards to identifying which characters to /blist and things like that I really think that sort of thing is way too much of a drama pit to even be necessary. If someone is /blist worthy then chances are when you run into that person in game you'll know pretty early on as opposed to going by a 3rd party judgement which may have just had a bad experience.

Not to mention folks who may fit into the default freelancer category just because they're new or just getting settled into a character. As far as the previous is concerned having a specific ruleset seperate from forum rules or something to follow in game might be a little bit daunting and discouraging to folks. I know it would be to me if I just wanted to make an attempt to get involved into a new style of gaming.

That being said, I don't think it would be a bad idea to post up guidelines for behavior in general (which has probabily already been done and I'm blind Big Grin) but I dunno about going rule crazy for a group that exists as a category of individuals who are opting to play the ruleset that a guild may offer. Then again, like I said, I may be reading this completely wrong so feel free to axe this post! Big Grin

P.S. TOTALLY planning to be freelance from the get-go btw. >.>

Re: A section for Freelancers? - Nanapariri - 03-21-2010

I don't mean separate rules in behavior but that a separtate paragraph or somthing be added into the rules that just have been posted to address how disruptions should be handled when caused by Freelancers.

I'm also stating to make it clearly stated that Freelancers are subject to the rules just as those in the guild are too.

Re: A section for Freelancers? - Nomine - 03-21-2010

I think that might be the part I'm getting a little confused at.....again I apologize, my brain doesn't work very well before noon. (If you notice the times I post, i'll have a new excuse for being a dummy each time! Big Grin )

I know in the forum rules there's that general conduct notification under the "Respect" heading that seems to encompass everyone guilded or not guilded as far as behavior on the forums, or was there another section with specifics in regards to more strict conduct for guild members that I may have missed?

I should look into getting some glasses just for use in the morning....