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Future Sighting [Open RP] - Printable Version

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RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - FreelanceWizard - 02-29-2016

L'yhta's ears twitched, the fur on her tail prickling up just a bit as she picked up some of the chatter of those nearby -- "witch," "chop off," and so on. Smoothing out her robes, the miqo'te took a step back and looked around for the next person to step up, various hypotheses rolling about in her mind.

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Parth Makeo - 03-01-2016

More and more would pass on by. Some asking for simple choices while others were a bit more complex. Each time they were more than amazed at the reading. The assurance of possibility did make them question their actions more than usual...but one group of men saw this differently. They spoke quietly but perhaps someone could catch their antics.
"I'm going to show the people that she is a fraud..."

"Alright, next up. And which of you will be taking the reading?" Cobalon said as the Hyur with brown hair sat at the table while looking at Quint. The other four behind him waited in anticipation. "I'll take that reading. Names John Amhar. I'm thinking about asking this girl to this great bar. Think your little portal could tell me what happens if I ask her out?" he smirked as Quint prepared the crystals. They swirled and twisted until they were in formation....and a portal did not appear.

"I'm sorry mister John, but what you speak about never will or is happening at all in the near future. You speak of a lie." which at first stunned the group. But with a save he pressed on. "Well obviously you are not trying hard enough. I am looking to ask this girl out and I want to know what happens if I do it."

Quint tried once more, her body flinching as the portal refused to open. "Again...I cannot open the portal. Your current choice in this realm does not exist within the limits of time itself. I kindly ask-" at that point the man stood up and tried his best to make her look like a fraud.

"I KNEW IT! You don't see into the future! You just make light shows in people's heads!" this clearly got Cobalon's Attention as he tried to look for some familiar aid...and yet finding Warren relaxing and watching. He approached the man with worry. "Warren...I need an idea to deal with these men. They might be pushing her to the limit." Cobalon knew at the most that Warren already had his share of trouble and having him butt in would make things look bad for the Grindstone. 

Quint tried a third time but failed once more. Small cracks formed on her face. "Huh? No portal still? come on! It's simple! Just show me a vision of what happens when I ask this pretty girl tonight to go with me to a bar! Is it that hard!?" the other four were backing his antic up. Quint tried again, but the crystals were shaking a little in the formation. "I-i'm trying...but...you are lying-"

"I AM NOT LYING! Quit stallin' and tell me if I see her naked from asking her out!"

The heavy demands on Quint were more than she could handle for the time. She wasn't one to fight back and in her current position, she had to prove to them that she could. "P-please sir...Ask for something else..."

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Makara Kali - 03-01-2016

Kali had been in the midst of trading back the leve, oblivious to the stir that was going on in the Quicksand after her fortune. Why should she when there was a gil sinker lingering for her just beyond the Forbidden Spring? She had been in the midst of arguing with the levemete for her to take back the job did the chatter get too agitated for her sensitive ears.

Fear. Suspicion. When Kali turned back around, the fortuneteller lady was trying to predict another's future and was failing. She didn't even think about the possible truth that the lady was a fraud and abandoned the irritated levemete to shout in defiance.

"Hey! Maybe she can't predict your future because you'll never get the time of day from that lass?" she wondered innocently, and it caused a group of merchants in the back to roar with laughter. "Don't be a stinker by pestering her!" Lying or not, it wasn't nice for people to start calling names, especially if there was no proof.

She herself had been the brunt of many a foul rumor dealing with Ul'dah's socialites. "I'm telling ya, I know she predicted the future! I saw it with mine own eyes! And I can prove it!" The grey auracite - if she brought it back, then the fortuneteller would be clear of these foul accusations would she not?

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - FreelanceWizard - 03-01-2016

At the sound of the growing altercation, the purple-haired miqo'te strode up to the table, setting her jaw as she laid her gaze upon the leader of the group of men. "Show's over, boys. Why don't you four go get a round on me? You surely wouldn't want to cause trouble, here, of all places," she said, narrowing her eyes just a bit and flicking the tines of the rod at her belt, evoking a pure chime like a tuning fork and causing the silvery-black wootz metal to glow a faint blue.

She tossed a handful of gil towards the men. "So go sit down and have a drink."

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Warren Castille - 03-01-2016

The highlander was already appraising the situation as the carbuncle drew close. It wasn't quite a request for assistance, just asking for ideas. Warren held up a hand to signal hesitation, nodding slightly at the others watching and gathered.

"Looks like her customers are taking care of it for now." Fights in the Quicksand were nothing new, but he sincerely hoped this wasn't a hill any one of the disgruntled strangers were going to pick to die on. Laughter from the merchants was a good thing to help diffuse the tension, as was the offer of drinks on someone else's coin.

Warren watched for the outcome; For the man to press his claim would look more like picking for a fight than anything else, now that he was the butt of a joke and had an amenable way out of the unfortunate spotlight. The highlander tensed his right hand, flexing fingers.

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Parth Makeo - 03-01-2016

With the assurance of others handling it, Cobalon sighed and hopped on a seat near Warren. Mostly to watch the event unfold. In his current state there was nothing he could do other than talk it out...which he would of failed with these people.

The men looked to the women with agitation. "Why should we believe this? I speak of truth about this girl i'm asking out. Yet SHE thinks I am a liar!" his supposed companions backed him up on it with assurance. The man turned to Kali with a finger raised. "Moreover...How are we sure that you didn't stage this with her to begin with? Who's to say you are nothing but an actor in all this?" then he turned to the other telling them to get a drink. "And you! How can you sit idle when this mockery of a show seems nothing more than an act to make it look like she can see the future?! This woman is a fraud and I intend to bring it to light!"

Quint thought for a moment. Her mind circulating with ideas on what she could do and what she couldn't. Processing information was her method of thinking as she then looked to the other Miqo'te woman with the glowing weapon. "Then...allow her to ask me of a choice in the future for her? I have never seen this woman before and would gladly demonstrate it."

The man looked to his friends, confused and unsure. He sighed and stood up. "Fine. But we want ALL the juicy information. Every detail of what she saw." they stared at the threatening Miqo'te, waiting to see if she would take this offer.

Cobalon merely smiled at all that. Feeling more relaxed than before. "Perhaps you should get a future sight as well? Maybe predict a possible outcome on the winner of the next Grindstone and get an advantage of betting?" Cobalon chuckled as he joked on to the idea. But he decided to enlightened Warren on it.

"What Quint is doing is a complex algorithm of spell weaving. She is basically examining the Aether makeup of a being with the possible choices they make in the future and show them a brief glimpse of what can and may happen...but it is never always perfect. Like fortune telling, she is reading your very energy. Unlike such a thing, she does not guess or predict. For the future can never be set in stone. Only the past can..." The more he talked, the older Cobalon started to sound and feel. "You get what i mean, no? The future can and will change. It all depends on our actions and choices, no matter how small and inconsequential they might seem."

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - FreelanceWizard - 03-01-2016

"I don't see why you really give a damn," L'yhta spit back, her ears flattening against her head, her tail beginning to sway back and forth. "What harm's she doing? She's not taking gil, she's not doing anything except apparently offending your delicate sensibilities. Go have a round and cool off. Like I said, drinks're on me."

She then clacked the toe of her shoe against the stone floor and flicked her gaze to the fortune-teller. "No offense, but I don't go sticking my limbs into portals created by others' magicks without some study in advance, okay? My interest here is purely academic. Or, at least, was," she said, turning her eyes back on the men.

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Makara Kali - 03-01-2016

"S-staged?!" Kali squeaked so high, her own tail bristled up in alarm. Actor?! Did he really believe her an... actor? Her eyes turned glassy and almost star struck, turning the insult into complete flattery as she imagined her famous and surrounded by fans like the Songbirds themselves.

"Aye, but I don't mind tagging along ter find some o' that fancy whetstone ye be spewing about!" A gruff, drunken Highlander suddenly wrapped an arm around Kali's shoulders and lifted her off the ground, snatching the map easily and holding it over his head. "What say ye? Make the adventure a bit 'o fun, yeh?"

She kicked around half-heartedly before giving up and, in a pure dirty move, sank her fangs into the man's arm. He howled, dropped her, and before he could catch his balance, ended up with a strong uppercut to the face.


If he saw stars and moogles, she wouldn't know. He dropped the map and careened straight onto a nearby table where he flopped unconscious over upturned mugs and angry patrons. And when Kali victoriously picked up her prize, the men at the table leered at her.

Wolves came in packs. Especially drunken ones!

"Uhhhhh..." Kali gaped. When they suddenly jumped out of their chairs, she screamed and jumped over the railing and out the door with the angry men at her heels. "AIYYYYEEEEEEEEE!"

Another day, another adventure. Tis the life of a recovering looter.

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Parth Makeo - 03-01-2016

The small group didn't seem really content with leaving. At least not until they felt like Quint knew her supposed place. But she had enough as a portal appeared.

"There. Stick your hand in and see what happens exactly to you upon your request." how exactly she did that seemed rather...weird. Yet the Hyur looked rather nervous. He looked back at L'yhta then his companions as they motioned for him to go with it...And sure enough he stuck his hand in. The vision surging through him and before Quint could even tell him to pull out, he screamed in complete fright as his hand was removed. He tumbled over the chair, possibly bruising something while shaking in terror.

"W-what in the seven hells-" 

"That is a vision I opened up while you were mindlessly fighting with someone else. The choice you had before you were to either continue your blatant attempts at making me look bad and end up as what you possibly saw, or you left without problems..." Quint spoke, taking the time to absorb an Elemental Cluster to mend any wounds on her that appeared. "Now tell me...What is it that you saw?" she asked....

"I-i saw...That Miqo'te...Freezing myself...and my companions...then...then..." he couldn't finish as he bolted out. The other companions with him didn't follow or chase but rather leisurely strolled out without causing more of a fuss. 

Quint sighed, adjusted her glasses and looked to L'yhta. "I am sorry you got dragged into this. It was not my intention to show any wrongdoing in my method." apologizing for the fuss as the audience around her looked to of started the supposed line up again. The crystals returned to the table. 

Yet Quint flinched once more, forcing her hand on her face before bringing it back up. "...Those men really made me fight to find what they wanted..."

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - FreelanceWizard - 03-02-2016

L'yhta's ears perked back up as she smiled at the fortune-teller; the man's stammering about being frozen didn't seem to give her any pause. "Don't worry about it, okay? I just can't stand to see drunk arses making trouble for people, especially over things they don't understand.

"Don't let me keep you from your interested public, though," she noted, her eyes flicking to the line starting to form again. "I'll just be over here with a drink if anyone decides to make more of a fuss. And! When you're done, I'd love to hear more about this particular spell, and your very unique carbuncle barker."

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Parth Makeo - 03-02-2016

Quint felt as if someone invited her to talk about her method of telling the future...but on one part she feared it may be a little hard to explain. Especially considering where she came from. Yet she continued as planned. Even Cobalon would return to her side to ease the crowd down.

When it was all over, Quint took a silent sigh and eased her body. The crystals she had returned to her bag as instructed by her before getting up and walking over to the woman who talked to her earlier. Quint figured it was okay to talk about it with another...though if she could fully comprehend the idea of future sight is another question.

"You wanted to talk about seeing beyond normal sight, yes?" Quint asked L'yhta politely. The way she dressed and how her hair looked could be considered doll like in it's own world despite showing no joints. Her eyes with a closer inspection were made out of a plentiful layer of glass and materials to produce such real looking eyes. Even her scales were different, having a texture compared to Dish wear as oppose to real scales. And yet the Aether inside her was so small that it was a literal candle to any mortal. 

Cobalon also seemed odd. No not because he could speak, but because any person highly attuned with Aether could detect that only most of his body was Aether...and that there was some actual solid form to the Carbuncle. Of course he would add into the conversasion. "Perhaps we should find a table and chairs? Standing around can be tiring on it's own."

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Warren Castille - 03-03-2016

"Glory to the peacekeepers." Situation defused, Warren turned back to the bar and away from the impromptu show. Quint had done good work for him in the past, and the meek healer didn't deserve that sort of rough treatment if he had a say in the matter. Of course, he didn't need to have one at this particular juncture. It was always a mixed feeling to see others standing up for what was good and fair in the world.

He let the murmurs of the Quicksand return to mostly white noise; Years of piecing together bits and bobs of crowd talk made the focus reflexive. He also didn't expect there to be much more ruckus raised so long as the caster with the implied threat was lingering. Patrons at the Quicksand might be a little rough around the edges, but in Warren's experience they knew not to run afoul of the adventuring types.

Content to let his brain work through the ambiance, Warren enjoyed his drink.

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Steel Wolf - 03-03-2016

The leather woven to Steel's gauntlet plates squeaked as her fist uncurled with some effort. She was seconds away from walking forth and offering her considerable size to the situation. However, she hadn't counted on the soothsayer's cleverness and an incredibly electric miqo'te breaking up the moment. Her mind had thought to aid the woman in whatever trouble she felt could only be answered by an uppercut and a foot race, but then her own weariness reminded her of what she had come to the Quicksand for in the first place.

The spectacle of the events faded away with the fog of resuming patron chatter and the packing up of the mage's crystals. Looks like the line of patrons were done with, as the woman and her curious Carbuncle retired to speak with another scholasticate.

"Time for a drink!" she announced to herself, reminding what she was standing about for as she walked towards the bar. She signaled the tender, nodding towards a bottle of rum that sat on the rear counter. She sighed as she settled down in to the barstool, the baldric holding her weapon rattling against her plate. She looked around a moment before spotting someone to her left which caused her golden eyes to widen.

Ser Castille...!

Her head swiftly snapped forward before slowly turning to look again for confirmation. Yep. That was indeed him, a man whom she had idolized when she first took up sword for the realm. He was right there. Within groping distance....

No. No, you don't grope your heroes. Bad form, Sthal.

She slowly spun in her seat, offering him a bright smile and a courteous bow. "Ser Warren. It is an honor to share a seat with you."

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Warren Castille - 03-03-2016

Warren turned at his name, his brain refreshing the sound of heavy steps and the peripheral sight of heavy armor. The tone set the tempo; Courteous and warm, matched with what he read as a genuine smile and a bow. He couldn't help but grin back as parts of his brain battled back and forth on whether he should be proud or embarrassed to be regarded so highly.

"Miss Wolf." He nodded back to her with no small reverence, taking the time to glance over her armor. "Pardon the insinuation, but it's good to run into you someplace a bit more our speed. Fancy balls and expensive clothes aside, I know I certainly feel more like myself while armored, in a bar."

He sat up a bit more, turning conversationally to the roegadyn. How long had it been since that fancy meeting out at the Sanctum? He recalled it vividly enough, attending with Sei and Mai both. No small number of meetings there that night.

"Just missed some action, too. Couple of boys thought to make a scene while the Seer was doing her thing. Good folk stood in, though. Smart of them." Warren took another mouthful of his drink and shook his head with a small tug at the corner of his mouth.

RE: Future Sighting [Open RP] - Star Lin - 03-03-2016

John Waterstrike step into the Quicksand, small box in his hand.  Beside the blue and purple hair miqo'te was a taller dark hair hyur.  "Really, John, you seem to investing a lot of yourself into this Joy," he said, removing his Captain jacket and draping it over his arm.  His eyes roam over the bar area, taking in the area, and noticing that there might have been some trouble.

"Sam," John said, giving the hyur a side glance, "Joy has no one but Sir Khyran and his group.  Though I wish mom hadn't taken an interest in her.  Why would a 6 year old need a Rainbow dress?  It's not practical for where she's staying at."  He gave Warren a smile, setting the box down.  "Lady Momodi, can I please have a glass of water?"  He watch Sam take a seat, asking for a beer.  "Lady Momodi, were you able to get those learning quill for me."

"Of course, John," she said, reaching under the bar and bring out two boxes.  She pass them over, as well as the glass of water and beer.  He gave a smile before packing them into the other box which contain smaller pots of what look like paint.