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Balmung Transfer Restriction Megathread - Printable Version

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RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Kilieit - 05-17-2017

I said this longer (much longer) further back in the thread but I'll say it again shorter here for good measure: I honestly think youse need to coordinate and move your alternative communities together onto one server. Like, keep doing all the stuff you're doing, but next to each other instead of worlds apart.

I'm not involved, so I think it would be presumptuous of me to start a thread and begin gathering people together. But I would really recommend beginning the process of reaching out to others and consolidating onto a single server - maybe one no one has populated yet, to avoid people feeling weird about who "has to" move and who doesn't - and seeing where that gets you in terms of notoriety, activity, and stability.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - foxfirestorm - 05-17-2017

(05-17-2017, 05:51 PM)ArmachiA Wrote: I really do like the idea of Mateus, Siren, and Faerie all merging to just one consolidated server (whoever has the biggest pop for fairness)  because that would really give that one server a real shot at being a stable server. I understand that the logistics make that harder however.

I honestly don't mind this either, though I do know about everyone in my RP LS has a house and some have put a ton of time into not only their characters, but also into the FCs.

It would require for us 3 to talk things over and look at the logisitics. I am willing to do this, but it will be a nightmare to determine who really has the higher pop in the RP LS + the unknown count.

That and I imagine, like we do on Mateus, they probably also have members who don't want to lose their homes, because that is probably the largest factor right there. We small servers actually of housing available, which means, someone of the two will have to give that up and hope they can get back their house in a timely fashion.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Max - 05-17-2017

(05-17-2017, 05:36 PM)Momo Wrote: It's not doomsaying to say that we should figure out a solution now, which is being dismissive of a problem that exists and could potentially get worse over time as we wait to see what happens. A community which has no new growth is a community that is stagnating, and to RP development and survival, that's not a good thing in any circumstance. Asking someone specifically to be called out won't help either, and those people who don't care know who they are and it's probably best they don't keep just adding an uncaring voice to the argument because of how comfortable they are currently. We've had comfort for 5 years, we need something else now.

We need to support each other in finding a solution, we cannot trust in them reopening transfers to the server as that could take a year or more. It's already been a possibility for a long time, so I don't think that "temporary" has much weight in this current situation as it was already a long time coming.

I definitely agree that the word temporary doesn't hold significant weight. > ex. character creator. But someone earlier in this thread mentioned that they did the same thing in preparation for HW launch. I don't remember if this is true or not (i've never transferred a character before), but that fact might bode well for transfers opening back up eventually.

I agree with Zaviire here that if there's a decline, the transfers will likely open back up.

I think maybe the determent might stem from how everything is Balmung-centric. As RPers, we've all become reliant on this particular server. And with good reason. It's got the largest RP population and a sea of diverse characters. Of course people are going to want in on it. I've nothing against it. My concern is if the server is unable support the congestion.

It's a bit of a problem if a new player comes along and is deterred by Balmung not being open (As if the $18 wasn't determent enough already). That already speaks volumes of the monopoly it holds. There needs to be an alternative available.

As others have mentioned, I see the solution being the establishment of RP communities on another server. But I'm aware this is way easier said than done.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Jaran - 05-17-2017

Transfers will open up again after SB launches. Could be a month or two (maybe even three) but they will open up again when the active server numbers stabilize... and they have no choice but to do so now. SE is only taking preventative measures to soften the blow that will come with the launch of the expansion. If they didn't do these things and offer these incentives, then they would be asked why they did not make an effort in trying to rectify this situation. After the launch's hype, things will go back to normal. I'd bet gil on it.

But since we are on the topic...

To those wishing to establish a RP community on a smaller server, I sincerely wish you luck. I won't get into my own personal experience with the difficulties in undertaking such a phenomenal task; Kilieit's post summed it up perfectly and with an accuracy that I'd have difficulty in matching. 

I personally will not be transferring off of Balmung. Sure, I have all the 'typical' reasons for staying: a buttload of gil, a personal house/apartment/FC room or two, etc... but those aren't even my biggest reasons for staying. I can obtain all of those things again.
But the RP community here is second to none in my eyes. I have been here since 1.0 beta, back when the server was still Besaid and we were all sitting around still debating on which server we'd be rolling on. It's my home. It's my friends' home. As random as its initial selection may have been, this server and its people mean a lot more to me than just an arbitrary choice now.

The one thing that would make me reconsider a move is if we got a new server with all the benefits and a shiny RP tag on the end of it, as well as a large number of my friends on board with the move.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - EliBallard - 05-17-2017

Like I said, without housing and such transferring with people you're unlikely to see any consolidation of the current RP communities. People will just continue claiming their server is the best, and anyone talking to the contrary (as I saw in the Discord made through Tumblr to handle just this 'crisis') gets shouted down for potentially hurting the feelings of a server. What needs to be done is some sort of unofficial decision being made.

I say whichever community makes the best effort to advertise themselves and their server here on the RPC should get the blessing of the rest of us. If a server can't muster up the drive to do at least that they're not worth putting further resources in.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Kilieit - 05-17-2017

This is harsh, but I think if people can't put aside their pride and their desire to be "The One In Charge" to actually effectively achieve the thing they say they want to do, then... I don't know what to tell them. You should be aspiring to be one leader of many, not the One Important Guy Who Everyone Loves. The One Important Guy thing is exactly how these small communities fail in the long run.

I want to be crystal clear that I'm not accusing anyone, especially not anyone specific; I bring this up because EliBallard reminded me, and I've seen it before in all sorts of communities (most recently, a tumblr RP community that I almost joined and then swerved at the last minute just before it imploded, lol). At most, I'm suggesting people to check themselves.

Maybe a discussion where people can bring forth the merits and establishments in their fledgling community, followed by a poll in which nobody is allowed to select their own server? Obviously it couldn't be anonymous. I'm not quite sure how it'd be organised, but...

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Mercer - 05-17-2017

There was something like this during ARR launching, a public poll was run on the RPC to decide the secondary server which became Gilgamesh. Unfortunately, it has grown to such a state that it's locked as well.

If there is going to be any kind of consensus to create an alternative RP realm, it's going to require people from the communities coming together. There needs to be a thread where alternative communities can discuss their merits that is not restricted to the linkshell hall. And leading up to SB... well there's going to need to be some kind of vote of where new players are going to be funneled.

Like it or not, there is going to need to be a clear indication of where new RPers and alts should go. Keeping it spread out as it is will not create a strong community.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Kylin - 05-17-2017

While I strongly disagree with some of the stances regarding Balmung's current predicament, arguing over it will solve nothing. I agree with everyone else that something should be done swiftly since the server is closed even as we speak.

I'd love nothing more than to see the smaller servers come together and merge into a larger server community. It would certainly solidify a lot of people's faith in its ability to survive for the long haul, for reasons already extensively outlined. That said, I don't have a lot of hope that the various communities will pull such a feat off. Investments such as housing are serious business for a lot of people. And it's rather unrealistic to expect them all to make sacrifices when Balmung itself wouldn't likely make the same sacrifices themselves. Again, would love to see it. But it's just too impractical at this stage. Hopefully an actual attempt is made on this front though.

If there was any kind of vote, I'd not hesitate to throw mine to a particular preexisting server. While they certainly have some internal issues to work out (who doesn't), they're far and away in a more secure position than the others. I'll save my comments for each individual smaller server for now though in the event a separate thread/vote/etc is held.

That said, I still have concerns regarding longevity that Kilieit expressed perfectly already.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Kage - 05-17-2017

Considering Square Enix has not announced the designated low population worlds that receive the incentives to move, I do not believe having a poll as to where to go for a secondary community right now is a good idea. In my honest opinion, a community would have the better results if it ended with some loss to assets but you're able to keep the community in large ie using the free world transfer.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Mercer - 05-17-2017

(05-17-2017, 07:24 PM)Kage Wrote: Considering Square Enix has not announced the designated low population worlds that receive the incentives to move, I do not believe having a poll as to where to go for a secondary community right now is a good idea. In my honest opinion, a community would have the better results if it ended with some loss to assets but you're able to keep the community in large ie using the free world transfer.

I would say that we should be looking to the RP communities that already exist and their strengths instead of basing on what servers will be free.

There has already been a lot of work in the smaller servers and their RP communities. They haven't really gotten the spotlight or attention they deserve due to the RPC's affinity to Balmung. Now that the lock down is in place, we really should give attention to the communities already in place and help people find alternatives to the Balmung behemoth.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - EliBallard - 05-17-2017

Regardless of what happens, I'll be both staying on Balmung -and- working to help Mateus grow because from what I've personally seen it's the most likely to succeed. The others are little more than an FC or two that's open to RPers. I don't think waiting for SE to announce the free servers is gonna be of much use unless some people are determined to play on EU servers in which case I -think- Lich is one of the few with any RP at all.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Kage - 05-17-2017

I didn't say that you can't do that. I am just saying that I think actually voting on a world to transfer too is jumping the shark a little. Having a list of choices is not a bad idea. Looking into the communities to congregate is not a bad idea. Specifically choosing a world that you may not be able to even use the incentives to move is a bad idea.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Kilieit - 05-17-2017

I think there's merit to both approaches...

Picking an Existing Community to Bolster
• some infrastructure (FC's, linkshells, inns, event nights, etc) will already be in place
• people who have worked hard on something will be acknowledged for that
• preparations can begin as soon as a server is chosen
• immediate resentment on the part of players whose communities weren't "chosen", when we want to be encouraging their cooperation
• people will have to pay full transfer fee or start from the bottom regarding character progression

Starting Over on a Bonus Server
• presumably no one's existing server will be chosen; everyone will be on a level footing, starting anew, preventing "politics" over who was here before and who wasn't
• all those bonuses sound really good for transfers in general
• guaranteed that the server population is low to begin with, meaning it will be a very long time before any of the problems that Balmung has experienced regarding character creation are likely to apply, and giving the RP community more clout when it comes to setting server atmosphere
• everyone still has to transfer and set up their infrastructure anew. With enough zeal this isn't a problem, but for people on the fence it could be an issue
• we have to wait for more information about what servers will have the bonus and when, leaving an undesirable gap in having a solid "place to go" for new RPers

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - Mercer - 05-17-2017

I agree Kage, which is why I mentioned that it would be something leading up to Xpac release, not in the heat of the moment. This is something that is going to need a good hard look and frank discussion. 

I would love to see some kind of temporary forum open up so we can better discuss these needs. I understand that a forum upgrade is planned in the next several months, but the issue is pressing and needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

Edit to address Kiliet:

I think one things to be aware of is that Gilgamesh is also going to have the opportunity to transfer with those benefits and new servers will see just as big of influx as Balmung refuges as Gilgamesh refuges, and we have already seen the outcome of those two populations meeting is.

RE: High Pop Anti-Transfers - foxfirestorm - 05-17-2017

While the others can use just as much as assistance than just Mateus, I can say that we have been rolling since around Nov 2016 and made a post here back in January of 2017 (you can see it on the Linkshell Listing under Other).

From my knowledge of the Mateus old guard, the RPC there is the longest running and most successful rp group they have ever seen since the start back in 2.0. There have been many before the RPC, but none that have managed to keep up and keep going.

Yes, I did complain of some concern, but that is because I tend to speak openly. I don't beat around the bush and I can sometimes be tactless. That said, the officers who were not involved in the small group DID keep things rolling just fine and several people did continue to rp just fine and we gained about 3 new members while I was gone.

We just gain 2 more today of this writing.

I also like to note that Besaid was my home. I was there when it was voted. I was there when the mass posts were made of our unofficial rp server. I was also there when it was a small community. I also watched it come back during the start of 2.0. I do love Besaid, I care for Balmung, but my entire energy and focus is to Mateus; Along with several others.

I am fairly sure if Siren, Fairy, and Jenova's people were to speak up, many of them would feel the same way. Much energy has been given to our small communities and each of us with a different way of handling the roleplay.